Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Merry Christmas to everyone!


Well-Known Member

Simply because I am usually behind at all times of the year, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, joyous and merry Christmas. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and family visits, which often takes away from the very Spirit of Christmas Day. So my wish for all of you is that you will have a few minutes to sit down with your loved ones and enjoy the meaning of this day, after all the gifts have been opened and the feasts have been enjoyed.

So many of us face uncertain times with our economic outlook, but remember we always face uncertain times in our lives. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift, which is why we call it the present.

As I'm moving next week, I'll add my Christmas holiday wishes too. Thanks Mike for all your hard work here, and thanks to the members for making the site grow. I'm hoping the next year finds everyone well and prosperous. So Merry Christmas to everyone. :thumb:
I am sick of political correctness with happy holidays it is nice to hear someone say Merry Christmas.
Whenever I here someone say Happy Holidays, I respond with "...and a Merry Christmas to you."
And a Merry Christmas to you all from down here at the bottom of the South Pacific.

For those of you who had a tough 09, we will pray for a better 20-10, for those who had a great 09, we pray it will continue on thru 20-10.

As we are about 17 hours ahead of most of you, we get our presents first. Im getting a Grant 838 steering wheel for the T Coupe. It arrived this m ,morning & Im excited already.

Blessings to you all
grant 838

Didn't want the one with metal flake they are classic.

I have two black foam steering wheels but put on a flat wheel.
grant 838

Didn't want the one with metal flake they are classic.

Well I did actually, but they arent so easy to get down here. I see the 838 at US$24.95 and down here they range from about NZ$105 to NZ$195. Thats US$73.50 - US$136.50. The flake one is over twice those 838 prices.

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