Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Mike is the MAN for sure


Mike i took the suggestion you posted and dumped internet explorer and downloaded Firefox and man what a difference. Ebay is much faster and i can post here with no problems. Thanks You for the suggestion!!!!
Been with Mozilla for over a year. Best thing I ever did. Alot of viruses are internet exploder based also.
A lot of people are worried they will break something by installing a second browser on their computer, but once they are convinced to try Firefox, they love it. It's a very simple download and install procedure.

This particular computer is a PC that I dual-boot with Windows and Ubuntu Linux. I really like to use Linux, so this box is almost never booted up in Windows. I used to use Internet Exploder to test the sites with, but I do that testing with a box at the shop these days. And once the testing is finished, I immediately close IE and run CCleaner and Ad-Aware. (Those two scripts are invaluable to Windows users, by the way - hint, hint, hint. When I must use Windows, they both get run every morning and every evening.)

If you are running Windows and don't care for the 'feel' of Firefox, try Opera or Safari. They both work well and Opera even has an IE-type 'feel' to it. I find there are some sites that are set up to use IE (my bank being one of them :thinkn:) and features will not work as they should in Firefox. So I use Opera to do my banking.

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