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Molding windshield posts

Don't! Mine aren't "molded" and I think they look fine.


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put some Bondo and while it is still very playful install the windshield just don't let the windsheid move untill it is set good then remove it and clean up the bondo....................Looking good.....
put some Bondo and while it is still very playful install the windshield just don't let the windsheid move untill it is set good then remove it and clean up the bondo....................Looking good.....
Do you have to put duct tape and wax on the post, so the bondo doesn't sticks? Any pictures you can show me.
Do you have to put duct tape and wax on the post, so the bondo doesn't sticks? Any pictures you can show me.
Wax is enough. Two or three applications of paste floor wax is one way. I would use long strand Kitty Hair instead of any type of plastic filler like Bondo. The Kitty Hair is reinforced with fiberglass strands.
Do you mix kitty hair with resin , then lay it on the body?
It comes already mixed with the fiberglass strands, you do have to mix in catalyst, just like "Bondo". Look for Evercoat Kitty Hair. Amazon has it, but I'll bet 20 other places do as well and maybe for a little less money. Don't forget "long strand" not short. I should probably mention that because it dries stronger than plastic filler it is also harder to sand, but certainly not impossible.
409 is right about the long strand. It just takes a little extra elbow greese to sand it down but don't go to far or you will have to do it again. I did not take any photos when I did it but it was not that hard as I remember....Wax Paper works to but I recon the body wax will work also.....
Any pictures you can show me.
This seemed to work for me, although it might not be as good as the kitty hair. I've been to 108 mph (My GPS speedo told me so) with a 16 inch tall windshield.


I drilled a bunch of 5/64" holes so the Duraglass would penetrated for better adhesion.


I also reinforced the inside with wood and fiberglass.


This kind of tape is very thin, plus I used some automotive wax.

409 is right about the long strand. It just takes a little extra elbow greese to sand it down but don't go to far or you will have to do it again. I did not take any photos when I did it but it was not that hard as I remember....Wax Paper works to but I recon the body wax will work also.....
I bought the kitty hair.
1. Sand the body where going to apply kitty hair.
2. Mix kitty hair, apply to sanded area.
3. Position brackets with wax paper covering brackets.
4. Let sit for 24 hours.
Did I miss something guys? Thanks
I think that's it. I have never used wax paper but I bet it will allow the brackets to release nicely. It seems that the wax paper would not allow the Kitty Hair to flow completely into the bracket, but like I said, I have never used it so I certainly could be wrong. Even if that were the case, you would simply have to add more Kitty Hair after the first application had dried and slide the brackets on once more, no biggie.
FYI: I know there's many ways to do it. I ended up using blue painters tape on my posts (inside an outside) when adding the fiberglass bond. A little messy, but it worked ok for me.


Easy way to do that. Sand the gel coat really good. Put a big blob of bondo where the post will go, lay a baggie Saran wrap over the bondo and hold the post where you want it till the bondo sets. After it sets sand and blend it to the body. Quick easy job.
If we could only come up with some windshield post now.
These items seem to be off shore produced and in perennial short supply. Is there any way for a domestic forge to reproduce these things, or is it simply too costly to make such castings?

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Maybe 20 hours labor to cast and polish, then chrome, plus material, plus portion of equipment cost, plus overhead = $2500.00 - $3000.00 sale price? Might be possible. Who wants to be the first to place a 1,000 unit order?
I'm not in the market for post, I have a set of each, laid back ant straight, but I googled "metal mold casting" and it gave me a few companies. I don't know if anybody wants to run with this, get some kind of order sheet and see if and how it pans out.

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