Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

My dogs are still howling


Well-Known Member
Once a year, all of the Masonic bodies here in Tippecanoe County get together for a fish fry at the county fairgrounds. We serve all you can eat fish, French fries and cole slaw from 4:30 to 7:00. Friday evening, we met to start setting up tables, setting out fish to thaw and making up coleslaw. Yesterday morning, we were back at 10:00 to start squeezing water from the fish, mixing up iced tea, lemonade and hauling in ice for the drinks. The plan was to start frying fish at 4:00, so we would be ready at 4:30. As if. :rolleyes: We started frying at 3:45 and at 4:00, the serving line was already over 50' long. We had thawed 720 lbs of fish and at 5:45, we were quick-thawing another 80 lbs. At 8:30 last evening, I was finally crawling into my truck to come home. And I do mean crawling.

I don't have the final count on the take at the door yet, but we served 100 lbs. more fish than we ever had before. So I have to believe we had a nice percentage of increase. As for ol' Dad, I think I'll soon be migrating to the recliner to put my feet back up. They wore me out!
Once a year, all of the Masonic bodies here in Tippecanoe County get together for a fish fry at the county fairgrounds. We serve all you can eat fish, French fries and cole slaw from 4:30 to 7:00. Friday evening, we met to start setting up tables, setting out fish to thaw and making up coleslaw. Yesterday morning, we were back at 10:00 to start squeezing water from the fish, mixing up iced tea, lemonade and hauling in ice for the drinks. The plan was to start frying fish at 4:00, so we would be ready at 4:30. As if. :rolleyes: We started frying at 3:45 and at 4:00, the serving line was already over 50' long. We had thawed 720 lbs of fish and at 5:45, we were quick-thawing another 80 lbs. At 8:30 last evening, I was finally crawling into my truck to come home. And I do mean crawling.

I don't have the final count on the take at the door yet, but we served 100 lbs. more fish than we ever had before. So I have to believe we had a nice percentage of increase. As for ol' Dad, I think I'll soon be migrating to the recliner to put my feet back up. They wore me out!
Sounds "FISHY" to me

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