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narrow upper control arms on IFS


New Member
Does anyone know the advantages of a narrow upper control arm on a IFS setup ??? Do you need both upper and lower to take advantage of the benefits ??? I am going to set up the front end in my 27 track T, I have standard tubular lower control arms right now, I can get narrow tubular upper control arms at a 1/4 of the reg. price. Will this setup work ??? how far off will my alignment be, mainly I would think camber would be the most affected. Information found that the stock width control arms length from centerline of ball jt to centerline of inner shaft is 8-3/16 and narrowed is 71/4. Does anyone have any advice. Thank you
yes a T bucket


Most of the posters here are "old school". IFS is is something "new" and doesn't belong on a bucket, too complicated. Yet they will use a Jag IRS to compensate for some of the short comings of a straight axle front end. Now as for your question, "What is affected by a shorter upper a frame?" Just using the original upper mounting point will add a huge amount of camber. A new mounting point will be required. The mounting point also can affect caster and anti dive. Without pictures I can't be more specific. Differen T has an IFS and the complete build can be seen at

There is a lot knowledge on this site, unfortunately there is also some prejudice too. :soapbox:

I used a Mustang II style on my bucket. That way I didn't have to guess on which would work . Even then I didn't get it exactly right, but the front end shop got it close enough to drive it with no problem. Later I will get a shorter lower arm and my frontend guy said then we can get it right on then. And trust me IFS can go on a T-bucket and still look awsome. My first bucket had the traditional front end, but trust me, my latest bucket is alot more fun to drive long distances (500 miles +). Hope this helps. Dean
Well actually there is a lot more to it then just putting in a shorter upper control arm. If you use the same mounting point then I would imagine you will have a hard time getting the camber right. A shorter UCA will also have an increase in camber gain through your suspension travel. It would be best to run it through a suspension analyzer and see what it is going to do or you could mock it up and measure the change.

What are your goals that you are looking at this?
Al, where are you in your build ? Have you gone further than the album pictures ?


No, unfortunately I had shoulder surgery last week . I am now a "one finger typist" and no work on the car for 2-3 months. I started to disassemble it for finish welding and powder coating of the frame.

Another one fingered member of the forum. Well what do ya know???

Dont worry I took 6 years out from my T due to family, work, bla bla bal. It always comes back, especially when you need it.

Just keep looking at your project and thinkin of the next move It will come right at the end and you will be cruising like a demon


PS I am not an old fart. I just like to see tube axles on the front of a T and the UK way of things was always to go Jag IRS if you could afford it. IMHO.
Another one fingered member of the forum. Well what do ya know???

Dont worry I took 6 years out from my T due to family, work, bla bla bal. It always comes back, especially when you need it.

Just keep looking at your project and thinkin of the next move It will come right at the end and you will be cruising like a demon


PS I am not an old fart. I just like to see tube axles on the front of a T and the UK way of things was always to go Jag IRS if you could afford it. IMHO.

Unfortunately I located my Jag IRS too far into the build or I would have a sub 2000 pound (weight, not money) Corvette eater. My grandfather came to the US from Cornwall in 1882. My middle name is Cernew which I think has something to do with woods in Cornwall.


PS I am an old fart and since my ancestors drive on the wrong side of the road I'd expect nothing less of them than to put the independent suspension on the wrong end of the car. :rolleyes:
Hey there.
I am Cornish and the celtic name for Cornwall is Kernow. There are a LOT of Cornish in the USA. In fact I believe there is a place in CA called Rogers Valley, which is my surname.
Welcome to the Cornish Brethren my friend.

IRS on the wrong end... come on dude its always on the back, so people following can see it glitter in the sunlight

Gerry-OK but what about a - [ torsion bar front- end?!! ] are way cooOOOL!!

Another one fingered member of the forum. Well what do ya know???

Dont worry I took 6 years out from my T due to family, work, bla bla bal. It always comes back, especially when you need it.

Just keep looking at your project and thinkin of the next move It will come right at the end and you will be cruising like a demon


PS I am not an old fart. I just like to see tube axles on the front of a T and the UK way of things was always to go Jag IRS if you could afford it. IMHO.
Hey there.
I am Cornish and the celtic name for Cornwall is Kernow. There are a LOT of Cornish in the USA. In fact I believe there is a place in CA called Rogers Valley, which is my surname.
Welcome to the Cornish Brethren my friend.

IRS on the wrong end... come on dude its always on the back, so people following can see it glitter in the sunlight


Sunshine? I thought my grandfather left because it was always damp and dreary, said he couldn't tell the difference being up top or down below.

Sunshine? I thought my grandfather left because it was always damp and dreary, said he couldn't tell the difference being up top or down below.


Kernow or Cornwall is sub tropical. Its like cool day in CA. We have palm trees and no snow. Its not damp much and the sea is warm, within the coves that you get to know as a kid.
Dreary. No way its also the suffin centre of the UK. Catch a wave etc etc....

After my last quintuple bypass surgery (while I was in the middle of building my new house on my own ((a REALLY crappy retirement project by the way))), I figured I would be out of it for several months, but I was able to ease back to work after 1 month. Even if it takes longer, you will get there before you know it, so don't dispare... Heal fast!

Corley (a REALLY old fart)

PS The house is done, and I did it myself!!!

PS/2 Back to the thread, what exactly do you mean by "Narrow". I assumed you meant the mounts where the upper A control arm attached to the chassis were close together, but now I'm thinking you mean that the A arms are short. Or, maybe you mean that the frame is narrow and the A arms long?(don't think so) Sorry to be so stupid, but please clearify...
Hi Corley, I think what he's talking about is the car has fenders. I just wanted to tell you , I really like all your posts. Hope everything else goes okay for you with your health.

After my last quintuple bypass surgery (while I was in the middle of building my new house on my own ((a REALLY crappy retirement project by the way))), I figured I would be out of it for several months, but I was able to ease back to work after 1 month. Even if it takes longer, you will get there before you know it, so don't dispare... Heal fast!

Corley (a REALLY old fart)

PS The house is done, and I did it myself!!!

PS/2 Back to the thread, what exactly do you mean by "Narrow". I assumed you meant the mounts where the upper A control arm attached to the chassis were close together, but now I'm thinking you mean that the A arms are short. Or, maybe you mean that the frame is narrow and the A arms long?(don't think so) Sorry to be so stupid, but please clearify...

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