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National crisis


Staff member
Regardless of your political leaning what happened in Pennsylvania yesterday is unacceptable. For those in political parties to gin up so much hatred for the opponents is unconscionable. I hope true patriots will rise to the fore and call for a more civilized forum in the media, and a cessation of trying to weaponize government agencies to destroy opponents. That's un-American and unconstitutional.
Regardless of your political leaning what happened in Pennsylvania yesterday is unacceptable. For those in political parties to gin up so much hatred for the opponents is unconscionable. I hope true patriots will rise to the fore and call for a more civilized forum in the media, and a cessation of trying to weaponize government agencies to destroy opponents. That's un-American and unconstitutional.
It's not just political parties, it's the NEWS stations reporting their side of the story(s) instead of a factorial account of whats actually going on. I'm not for censorship but it's the news that is censoring what we are told right now. Does a government agency have to step in and regulate how the news is reported?
Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see. Every one.lies and pictures and.things can be manipulated.
You can lose your wife/husband/family/friends over sex politics and religion.
You are responsible for everything you say and do. Everybody is watching and listening and there are cameras everywhere
My words of wisdom.
That's why I open my mouth and insert foot and swallow my knee.😀
Too old to care much anymore.
There are more guns than people in the US. And with 300 million people there are gonna be some crazies. Open air gatherings will never be safe. And think of other kinds of attacks, like suicide drones. I wish it weren't so.
It's not just political parties, it's the NEWS stations reporting their side of the story(s) instead of a factorial account of whats actually going on. I'm not for censorship but it's the news that is censoring what we are told right now. Does a government agency have to step in and regulate how the news is reported?
We basically have a form of government censored “news”.... notice the parentheses. That’s because it’s a title, like for a movie, because it’s a production. I stopped watching it after the previous two elections. It is blatantly obvious that were being force fed a steady stream of one sided propaganda. And NO, I do not buy the lone crazy shooter story. Sadly, the truth will never be told. The fact that people can be manipulated via obviously biased and dishonest, even manufactured media and social based hype is very telling on the condition of our society. It’s a sad time for humans. I’m not sure what the answer is, one thing for sure, when they took away the voice of the citizens by manipulating the elections, and it’s been going on for a long time, they created a very dangerous environment. It’s not just politics either. I have witnessed a couple of horrible events first hand and when I later looked for more details on the news, it was almost unrecognizable because the coverage was so different from the actual event... wrong. And no apparent reason for it to be so. If they cannot get it right when there is no agenda driving it, no way we’re getting honest coverage when there are incentives like power, greed, etc.

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