Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New look


I like the new look of the forum, but I don't see photos anymore and if someone has put in a funny face or something I just see the printed marks for the face.

What's Up?????
I'm getting this. Have version 7 of Windows Internet Explorer.
It seems that this "new look" will not run well with Internet Explorer. I almost ate a bullet trying to see the posts on IE :suicide:
I just tried out Mozilla Firefox and it runs great :thumb:
With Mozilla it is runs much better than the old look :egypt:
For those having problems with Internet Exploder displaying pages and/or images incorrectly, please read this post.

Once again, I have tested this site with multiple computers in two different locations.

Using a Verizon DSL connection -

One PC running Ubuntu 9.10 with multiple browsers - Firefox, Opera, Epiphany, SeaMonkey, Galeon, Arora and Konqueror. I've re-booted this same PC into Windows XP SP3 and have run Firefox, Opera, Chrome and IE 8. I've a Live CD to boot up into openSUSE with Firefox. I've used a Live CD to boot up into Mandriva One with Firefox. (We're talking four operating systems and 7 different browsers here)

One Apple iMac running Ubuntu 9.10 with Firefox and Opera. I've re-booted the iMac into OS X Snow Leopard and have run Firefox, Opera and Safari. I've run Parallels under OS X and used IE 7.

On PC running Linux Mint 7 with Firefox and Opera. I've re-booted this PC into Windows XP SP3 and have run Firefox, Opera, Chrome and IE 8.

Using a Comcast cable connection -

One PC running Windows XP SP3 with Forefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and IE 8. I've re-booted this same PC into Ubuntu 9.04 and have run Firefox and Opera.

One PC running Windows XP SP3 with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and IE8.

None of these browsers on any of these computers on any of these operating systems on either of these ISP's connections have shown me any problems. Not even one.

If you're experiencing problems, clear your browser's cache. You should be doing this at least once a week anyway.

If you still have problems, visit your browser's Web site and see if you're running the latest version. If not, upgrade.

If you still have problems, try another browser. As you can see, several of us have been recommending Firefox and the recent converts are loving it. IE 8 is an improvement, but Micro$oft still has a lot to learn about browsers. If you want to know, I use Internet Exploder for one reason. I open it long enough to test my Web site modifications. Once I am satisfied the site displays properly in Exploder, I close it and leave it closed. There are 2 or 3 of these problem threads open and look at all the people commenting how simply switching over to Firefox has cured their problems. I dunno, do you suppose Firefox is a great browser to use? :suicide:

If you are still having problems, consider your location. Are you at home? If so, look at easing up on your firewall settings to see if that cures the problem. If you're at work, buy your IT person a cup of coffee and explain what is happening. Your IT people may be using some network settings that are causing problems.

For what it's worth, the two PC's I use at the shop are clamped down so tight that online port tests cannot even 'see' those two boxes are online at all. But they both display Web sites properly.
If you're at work, buy your IT person a cup of coffee and explain what is happening. Your IT people may be using some network settings that are causing problems.

Um, if you're at work... get back to work. :suicide:

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