Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Nsra Knoxville...


Over this past weekend my wife and I decided to go to Asheville, NC to see our son's new house. While there my son and I planned to go to the NSRA event in Knoxville. We planned to drive there in his all steel '32 Roadster Pickup. However, mother nature put a stop to that idea real quick. When we woke up Saturday morning it was in the upper forties with the threat of rain. So, we decided to drive my HHR to the event. It was the first time that either of us had been to the Knoxville event and were quite surprised to find that the fairgrounds are located right in the city rather than outside of the city like most fair grounds.

Shortly after entering the gate the weather took a change for the worst. It started with a slight sprinkle along with a temperature drop. The fairgrounds are very hilly and with the wind picking up and the cars spread far and wide along with increasing rain and cars leaving we, too, decided that it was time to hang it up also.

Maybe next year???

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Jim if you drove from Asheville to Knoxville on I40 you went within 2 miles of our shop
If I'd known that I would have stopped by on our way back. We had to leave early because of the weather so it would have been nice to drop by for a little while.

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