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OK, everyone, be sure to read this one


Well-Known Member
This Friday, 16 August, this site will be going offline at an indeterminate time and for an indeterminate time. So f you arrive here for one of your daily visits and the site is not available, do not panic. We will be back as quickly as possible. And when we get back, things will be better than ever before.

Most people are not aware, but I actually own and operate several (too many? o_O) Web sites. Over the years, I have used a lot of hosting companies. Some I have moved away from, and some are still hosting sites for me. I have found the company that handles the hosting for this site to be the premier host in the industry, so I have been working on a way to get all of my sites running under the same roof. And Friday is the day it is all going to happen.

This site is going to be moving to a brand-new server. We originally considered doing a quickie transfer, but the version of the operating system we use is getting a little long in the tooth. So we are going to start afresh, on a new machine with a current version of CentOS. But we are not going to stop there. Because the new machine will not be using platter-style hard drives, but will have solid state drives, instead.

This kind of move means we will end up with new IP addresses, which also means I will be changing nameservers. And once the nameservers are changed with the domain registrar, it will take some time for the entire Web to 'see' the new nameservers. The process is much faster than it used to be, but if you are out on a remote branch of the Web, it can still take between 10 and 24 hours. I was testing some changes last weekend, and was seeing changes in the span of 1 to 2 hours. I wish I could say it would be that fast for everyone, but that isn't the way things work. If it takes you a longer period of time to see things, that is down to the company you are hosting with, which is something entirely out of my control, OK?

People, these solid state drives are costly. The new server is going to end up costing an additional $44/month. I'm going to eat that. I will not be raising the monthly donation quota. But I am also going to be even more reliant upon the donations we receive each month. So, please, do not let me down on this one. I've already been covering the deficits between the monthly donations and the actual monthly expenses, and now, I am adding another $44/month to that. So I want to encourage each one of you to try to help ensure we get the bills paid, each and every month. The donation procedure is really quick and painless. Although donations are all processed via PayPal, you do not have to have a PayPal account to donate to the forums. As much as I dislike the fact, this place is just like everything else in life. It runs on money. Please don't leave it to the same, small group of people who donate every month. 'Nuff said?

I had hoped this was going to be a little cheaper venture than it has turned out to be. To be completely honest, I was ready to abandon the whole idea, but I also want to take this site to the next level. Yeah, I could strip off all the add-ons and move this place onto a freebie hosting site, using marginal forum software, same as the wannabe sites. But that is not part of my vision for this site. Since Day One, back in October 2006, this site has always been about being better and offering more to our users. We do more than just talk the talk, around here. We always have and that is not going to stop. No sense in lowering our standards at this late date, is there? We have always gone the extra mile to be the best, and that tradition is going to continue.

So, be prepared for some downtime, on Friday. I wish I could pinpoint exact times for you, but I just can't. All I can say is that we are going to be busting our backsides to get things situated as quickly as humanly possible. Bear with me, in the knowledge that when the site comes back up, we will be running even smoother and faster than ever before.
Here is a quick hint you may want to copy to your computer, prior to Friday morning. If you are still not able to see the site as late as Friday evening, it will likely be down to one of two things - either your service provider needs to flush their DNS cache, or you need to do it on your own computer. Here are instructions on how to flush DNS cache on Windows computers -
  1. Hold down the Windows key and press R.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter.
  3. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
  4. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
  5. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
  6. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
  7. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
  8. Reboot the computer.
If this doesn't work, then the problem is likely with your Internet service provider. At least I hope we won't be down that long! :eek:
Well, after making payment for everything, we are now lined up for all of the migrations to start taking place. Tomorrow morning is the scheduled time. We will be down for a bit, but I promise you, when we come back up, we will be running considerably faster.

It will take the caching scripts a while to get caught up with everything. Once that starts happening, look out! :roflmao:

You will see pages like the forum home page loading much, much quicker.

Wow, what a relief to see this one back up and running. It's actually been up for close to an hour. But I've not had any sleep since this time yesterday and I dozed off, sitting here in the penthouse offices, located on the 125th floor of Fukitol Industries' world headquarters building.

It looks like it's going to be a l-o-n-g night, as there is a second server to be configured, so all the other sites can be moved. :sleep:
I've been hammering about and I cannot find any problems with anything, And the page load speeds are amazing. It's hard to imagine you can actually feel the difference in 0.03 seconds, but I reckon that just comes from all the time I spend here.

If anyone has any feedback on the new environment, please post it here. I think this move has already been an overwhelming success, but I am interested to hear your own thoughts.
I was finally able to get on the site after 7:30 am today. I last tried at 3 AM but could not get on.

If this place gets any faster I'm going to have to sign up for a speed reading class in order to keep up with it.
I was finally able to get on the site after 7:30 am today. I last tried at 3 AM but could not get on.
Jim, DNS propagation can be really frustrating. I always liken it to getting a package delivered to your home. If you live in a large city, near an international airport, you will see the package pretty quickly.

If you live 200 miles away, but near a major interstate, the package will still arrive in short order.

If you live in Resume Speed, Wyoming, 100 miles from your closest neighbor, then you are going to wait the longest.

But, in the same way your Windows computer caches DNS information, your Internet service provider's servers also do the same thing. So if you are with a host that flushes DNS on a very regular basis, you will see changes faster than someone whose ISP only flushes DNS once a day.

Yesterday was a bit of a shock, because I was seeing DNS changes very quickly. My ISP is notorious for not flushing DNS, but I was seeing changes within a couple hours. One server has 11 domains on it and that one gave us fits. We got the sites moved in faster than I had anticipated and I hadn't modified the nameservers, so I rushed off to do that. A couple hours later, I was seeing the sites popping up on the new server, but as most of them were popping up, they were crashing with errors. This was at about 1:30, this morning. After we thrashed around for a bit, we saw the problem (which is irritating and aggravating as a nagging wife), fixed it and we were in business.

I would have thought you would live in an area where the changes would have been available pretty early on, so I am guessing your ISP was the bottleneck. I actually changed the nameservers for the site very early on, around 8:00 AM, yesterday. When we got the site transferred and sorted out some database server issues, the site was already visible to me. That was shortly after 5:00 PM, last evening.
The pages seem to scroll up and down with lightning speed. Have yet to be disappointed with any changes that you've made since I've been coming around. I do have this to say, this site is well taken care of and the use of the donations have always been put to good use. Thank you Mike for your time and dedication to the finest T Bucket site in the world!! ;)
The pages seem to scroll up and down with lightning speed. Have yet to be disappointed with any changes that you've made since I've been coming around. I do have this to say, this site is well taken care of and the use of the donations have always been put to good use. Thank you Mike for your time and dedication to the finest T Bucket site in the world!! ;)

Mike works tirelessly to make this site what it is and he deserves all the credit and our appreciation. Thanks, Mike!

I agree, Mike works "tired" on this site, but the kitty isn't showing the appreciation for it. Why wait, DONATE NOW!:)

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