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OK, who wants shirts

Are you interested in buying a t-shirt with the forum logo?

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Well-Known Member
I am getting pretty close to pulling the trigger on another round of forum t-shirts, but this time around, there is going to be a pre-order process that will have to reach a goal before any shirts are made up. I've not nailed down the exact shirt I want to be used, but we will definitely be using a high-quality shirt. No CafePress, wear-it-once-and-throw-it-away stuff. Which makes it look like the shirts will be up in the $22 - $24 price range.

I am tentatively looking at a 21 day sales period and a goal of 100 shirts. I figure a lot of people will want a shirt for themselves, but some of you may want more than one shirt, and some may want a shirt for a significant other, so I don't think the 100-shirt goal is out of reason. But I am not going to spend any more time on the project until I see if that number is practical.

Cast your vote, if you are interested, but please do me a favor and don't blow smoke up my bum. If you really don't have any intentions of buying even one shirt, then don't indicate you are wanting one. Last time around, people were pledging to buy a half-dozen shirts and then never purchased even one, so it turned into a huge cluster for me.

I will be going with the same design as used on the initial run of shirts, with this design over the left breast -


And this design on the back of the shirt -


I am going to have to look into editing the URL, to drop the dub-dub-dub and bring in the https://, or removing the URL altogether. I would like to maintain the URL, but as mentioned, I've waded in as deeply as I intend to go at this point in time.

We will be looking at white shirts (possibly in both short and long sleeve), without pockets, and in sizes from Small to XXX-Large.
Black with white lettering would be nice. Long sleeves too. And I know, if wishes were fishes .....

Just thinking aloud. I don't have PayPal or any such thing. I'd send you a check or money order.
Make it a L.

Every aspect of this will be out of my hands. I will give a company our artwork, a start date and and end date for the sale, and the minimum number of shirts to be sold, before anything happens. If you order a shirt, you will be ordering from that company, not from me. And that company will ship you the shirt, not me. So if you want to order a shirt, you will have to supply a credit or debit card number with your order. A hold will be placed on your account, for the amount of the shirt/s and the shipping. If we beat the quota, your card will be charged and your shirt will be made up and shipped. If we fall short of the quota, the hold will be removed from your card and that will be the end of it. I will quite literally, not have any part in any of it, until it comes to taking whatever profit is left, after paying for the shirts.
I'd be in for one, I've got one of the old ones that I usually wear when I'm going to a show or on an organized cruise, I get asked about it quit a bit
Pockets are the bomb!! Two for me and any color other than white!! But, I'll take what you got?
Well, so much for the concept of people wanting t-shirts, aye? In a week's time, there was general interest in just 27 shirts. No way would we ever be able to sell 100 in three weeks' time.

I appreciate the responses from everyone. This wee exercise saved me a lot of hassle, which would have been for naught.
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