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Paint finally!


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75 degrees and sunny. Started at noon and for the first paint job of a rookie, it didn't turn out too bad. A couple of runs and bad spots, but over all I am pleased. Let it dry for about 24 hours and then I'll tackle the runs and bad spots.



CCcooool :hey:
Nice job Running this summer?
This weekend I'll fix the "issues". Then mask and shoot the flames, then clear coat, then cut and buff. I'm hoping to be back together and running in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Got to be ready for the Nationals which is mid June. Should be done well before then.
Awesome shade of green! Looks good and being able to say "I did it myself." is worth mega points in my book.
Nice job. Even the professionals get runs every once in a while.

75 degrees and sunny. Started at noon and for the first paint job of a rookie, it didn't turn out too bad. A couple of runs and bad spots, but over all I am pleased. Let it dry for about 24 hours and then I'll tackle the runs and bad spots.

Wow. having painted a few cars myself, I'd say that's more than "not too bad". that looks great. what type of paint? single stage or bc/cc? I assume single stage as you mention waiting to do the clear.
You up on how to remove runs? dragging a single edge razor blade is my preference.
Looking forward to seeing more! that green is my wifes favorite color BTW.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. I was very nervous about doing it and had some help from a fellow buckethead who did his own about three years. He didn't touch the spray gun, just stood back and would shake his head yes or no. Biggest issue I had was getting the gun adjusted just right. Once I got that master, hell, it's easy (wouldn't want to do it for a living, but would definitely help the next buckethead who wanted to try it).

Next step is wait about a week for the single stage acrylic urethane to really harden, then tackle the flames. I will use a gray Scotch Brite pad to scuff the area where the flames go and then lay out the design. I will then mask everything off and take about an ounce of clear and "a pinch" of bright white pearl (just enough to make the clear look a bit milky) and shoot the flames. If it works, I should have just a hint of silver ghost flames ... should work, I've watched enough YouTube videos to make your head swim!

Then, wait about another 72 hours, take the gray Scotch Brite and lightly go over whole car and then shoot about 4 to 5 coats of clear. Wait another 72 hours, 1500 to 2000 wet and dry sanding paper and then cut and buff (same stage Thomas is at right now ... he might be done by now).

THEN, get the sucker back together and start logging some miles!
The Irish in me really likes that green.
It is a medium metallic green. I had my heart set on Candy Apple Green, but after talking to several people, I decided it would be too much trouble. Besides, this is a street car, not a show car. Tough to touchup paint chips or scratches with candy apple. I contacted a local rod and custom shop and we sat down and went over the color I want and the pros and cons. We decided on the single stage acrylic urethane and the guys at English Color have been great with their help and advice ... I even have the PPG factory rep's cell phone number on speed dial!

The metallic green really pops when in direct sun ... even my wife said it look like I had it done instead of doing myself. I told her to look at the mess in the garage and she would know I did it myself. :thumb:

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