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Please Pull your pants up


This say's it all. Now it may not be the type of song or music you'd listen to but take it from me...a gang officer who deals with kids....Please listen. It is funny and true.
I remember back when my youngest tried that look. He figured out real quick it was nothing but a target for my size 12 and that was the end of that.
:clap: I'd sure like to know how that trend became the cool thing to do. I'd heard an urban legend about how it started, no telling if its true, but it does not belong on this forum.
jbisme said:
:clap: I'd sure like to know how that trend became the cool thing to do. I'd heard an urban legend about how it started, no telling if its true, but it does not belong on this forum.

It started in jail. There are no belts in jail, so the pants would hang on some folks. So when all the inmates got out, they wore them the same way since that was what they were used to.

Somehow you found a way to say what I couldn't. :bow:

And that is what I tell the kids when I talk to them.

We had a kid at the machine shop who hired in to run the waterjet. I asked him if he was lonely. When he asked me what I meant, I told him that. It's funny how the next day his pants was closer to where they should have been. The kid got fired sometime later, losers like him usually do. I just didn't care to see what color his drawers was each day.:buttkick:
My granddaughter married a young man about 3 yrs ago that wore his pants that way. At his batcheler party several of us had a talk with him, that ended that habit right then.
There's a video on Youtube full of constructive criticism, along the lines of "pull your pants up." My friend Lamont had it as his ring tone, that's where I heard it first. He emailed me a link to the video.

I seem to recall the lyrics going something like:

Pull your pants up, pull your pants up
Brush your teeth, brush your teeth, brush your (blank blank) teeth
Read a book, read a book, read a (blank blank) book
Buy some Land, etc.

Set to a very catchy hip hop beat.

There's some other language in there also that would make it not so forum friendly, so I'm not going to link it here... but it is worth one view if you can find it.
I work downtown and see black and hispanic guys all the time with their pants down way below their waist and most of their boxers showing. I think its stupider than crap and don't know why they do it? Was standing at the bus stop last week and some guy walks by in what looks like pajama top and bottoms with a lanyard around his neck holding a fullsize Cadillac wire hubcap. EVERYBODY in line at the bus stop just cracked up laughing. Wish I was fast enough and could have gotten my cell phone and taken a pic of that.
Cadilliac hubcap around his neck? Okay?:D

You know how fashion returns. Bell bottoms came back, giant round women's sunglasses came back. Maybe the hubcap is a sign that one of these days a knight's metal armor will come back. ;)

Jousting will have to replace drive by shootings though.
I saw a guy with his pants like that today and while I have gotten used to the level of ignorance some people will stoop to, it really troubled me that the guy was at least 50+ years old!:eek::confused: There's something REALLY wrong in this country.:mad:
ever since I saw the video evertime I see the pants down I start singing the "Please Pull your pants up theme. It's stuck in my head. Of course some get mad but they can get over it.
It seems like I have spent my entire life pulling my pants up, I have no butt to keep them up. I didn't know that I was being cool.:D If you ever noticed there constantly walking around pulling there pants up, or holding them up. That would aggravate the crap out of me. Just my opinion on the matter. My 16 year old soon tried that and my wife and I told him to knock it off.

:D:sofnny::run: I got the same problem...:butt:not much I can do about it until I'm either old enough to wear suspenders every day, or don't care enough to wear bib overalls!!!
benT said:
:D:sofnny::sofnny: I got the same problem...:butt:not much I can do about it until I'm either old enough to wear suspenders every day, or don't care enough to wear bib overalls!!!
never provoke a bib overall wearer...:lol:

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