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protecting brushed aluminium


Active Member
I'm putting an aluminium sheet upper section on my firewall...kinda like the upper section of a 27 firewall.
Because I'm already running an aluminium tank and brushed stainless muffler covers, I decided to use a brushed finish as it seems to tie everything together front to back.
Problem is...this sanded aluminium is basicly untouchable!
Hand marks, finger prints etc stand out like a sore thumb!

I'm thinking on just clearing it...but wonder if that will screw up the look?

Does anyone know of another method or product that will apply to the brushed look and keep the stains and marks under control???
Mothers might work.......try a little spot first...........I use it on some of the Alum stuff I do......
Shark hide or Diamond Coat. I am using the Shark Hide to coat the alum panels on my Cobra Kit, flathead alum heads, alum intakes, brass but plates on antique shotguns, etc. I have not exposed it to any extreme adverse conditions, but it seems to be holding up well.
I have not tried the Diamond Coat. I think Eastwood sells both. Do make a big order for the first at Eastwood. They will send you notices on discounts after the first order.
I like that advertised 700* resistance on the Shineseal.
Not sure if any of those products are available locally but I will have a look for sure. Thanks!
Just grabbing a wax like "Mothers" right off the bat worries me a little as it can screw up adhesion if another product or clear ends up being applied later.
I meant to stick up a pic of what I'm doing. Hoping to have her out next week.
454 with some mild mods. Really nice and smooth engine.
Had a look around a couple of stores but couldn't find anything listed.
Finally just said to hell with it and bought a bomb of "cut in" style clearcoat at NAPA. A fresh rub with red scotchbrite, a cleaning and then 3 back to back coats of clear.
Came out great! Very pleased all in all and actually have it mounted to the firewall now.
Another job finished up.
If it does give trouble later its pretty easy to remove and go another direction after stripping the clear.
I'll post a pic tomorrow...
I have also heard of shark hide.....but, nobody could verify how well it worked. Seems to be big in marine applications. I would be eager to hear from anyone that used it. I polished my powerglide and thought that there must be something to protect or preserve the shine.....but, now a year later it needs to be polished. Oh, well, good thing it is under the car and very hard to see. However, valve covers intake etc are still polished aluminum, I like shiny things....well until it comes to polishing them!
Forgot to post a pic...although I do have one posted in a different thread.

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