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Radius rods


Okay. Where is a good starting point? How far out from the rod(on both ends) in inches would be a good starting point for the clevises and heims ??? Total Performance assy manual says clevis end 2 & 7/8 in. On heim end 1 & 5/8 in. Sound good??

Okay. Where is a good starting point? How far out from the rod(on both ends) in inches would be a good starting point for the clevises and heims ??? Total Performance assy manual says clevis end 2 & 7/8 in. On heim end 1 & 5/8 in. Sound good??

It depends on your mounting locations. If you are building a T/P car then yes, those measurements will work giving you a 36" center to center. If you are building your car and your brackets are not already welded on Then go at least 50% leaving you room for adjustment afterwards.
I screw them in 2/3 of the way . On a home built frame, this should give you plenty of adjustment.


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