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replacing rotten floor help


New Member
just bough a bucket thats been on the road for twenty years , it been subject to out not so great uk weather and the ply floor has had it, trying to think of the best way to replace it without removing the body( not an option for me at the moment)

was thinking of cutting out the old floor and then cut a new floor,removing the body bolts then bolt through the new floor and body , could glass around the inside edges but dont think that would do much

any suggestions would be appreciated,,


Without seeing what everything looks like, may be hard to give good advice. Will the bode stay in place with floor removed? If so, may not be a big task. Cut out old floor. Rough up the inside of the body where you need to glass in the new floor maybe 4 inches or so at the edge of the new floor and above. Might try getting a honeycomb type floor for replacement. If you use wood, I think I would drill quite a few shallow holes in the wood for a better bond with the glass.
Maybe DonnyRay with chime in. Right now he is our resident fiberglass dude.

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