Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Roadster pickup, take two.


The last few days my Son Dan and I have been working hard to get his rpu back together with the new motor and we have it to the point where we are going to try to fire it up today when he gets home from work.

It has been torn down since about last May when we ran into a problem with the first motor, we scored a couple of cylinders when the oil ring expanders broke and rather than sleeve that block we bought a new block and had it machined. While we were at it he added a set of Olds 442 "C" heads that we had reworked, had the whole thing balanced, and had the transmission checked over for a little leak we had in the front. He also changed the color of the motor from black to a gold that is closer to what the old Olds engines had.

Hopefully we will have a video to post later on of it running, but in the meantime here are a couple of pictures of where it is right now.


Here is a video of it running with the first motor (RIP)

And here is how it looks with the new motor.



S-W-E-E-T !!!

Thanks Guys. I wasn't sure what section to post that in since it isn't a T Bucket per se. Hope no one minds me posting it here.

That's a good lookin' car! The gold motor is a nice contrast to the black body.
Thanks Kev and Zack. Tonight we got everything done and got to fire up the new motor for the first time. It ran great ! :) So much more powerful and smoother than the last one and when we took it for a little cruise he got on it and I think I might have to bump up the HP in my 27 to keep up. :cry: It pulls like a freight train.

This week we will do a YouTube and I'll post it up.

Thanks for looking.

Looks good.
Ive got my motor and trans out right now, I just might have to be a "Copy Cat" and change color from Black to Gold.
Hehe, I'm the biggest copy cat of all time. If I see something I like I unashamedly steal the idea. :D In fact, if the Olds engine I am using in my own rpu wasn't already painted white I would paint it gold too, after seeing Dan's in person.

Don, I would like to see pics of your 27. Us blatent thieves know good source material when we spot it.
Nothing special? It looks pretty impressive to me! Plenty of ideas worth "borrowing"!
It's hard to rip off Vision, Passion, Talent, and Class which you most certainly possess... but I've been studying your T like a crack head needing a fix... :) There's no way I'll be able to reach your levels of quality... but that's not going to stop me from trying... :)

ExJunk, if your reading this... You too...

Heck... Pretty much everyone that's posted a picture or idea on this site...
Thanks Ted. I've been watching the rear rods since I installed them over 20 years ago and to be honest, I'm surprised they have never shown any signs of wear or breaking. They are made from 1 inch SS tubing that is really heavy walled with some big rod ends in the front. I was particularly concerned when I raced it with slicks but the car had very little traction in low and most of second which may have helped keep them ok. But good point.

Yes I was going to mention the tire grip thing... Don't feel bad about not having very much traction, most street rods suck in that area... Unless they were built for that from the start... Those early Olds style engines had a ton of torque... You did use good wall tubing for those rods, I finally went to a square bottom tube on mine, as I was just too hard on my own car and did get into many a dead stop quickie... :)
For some reason those tires I run, stick like glue... I got lucky with that buy...
I have a little video my Son and I made today. We got his new motor running and put about a hundred miles on it. So far so good, the problems with the first motor seem to be a fleeting memory (an EXPENSIVE fleeting memory :eek:) Here is the video. Crank up the speakers and put it on full screen and go for a ride with us.


Thanks Ron. You have no idea how happy I am for Dan. For 6 years he has dumped so much work and money into this car and had no running hot rod to show for it. Hopefully, this is the end of all that and he can start enjoying it a little.

After taking a spin in it yesterday I think I will have to bump up the hp in my 27 a little, I love Dan and all, but can't have the slowest car in the shop.:rolleyes:


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