Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               


Tell the other site to dig their heads out of the dark, moist places they've wedged them.

A month ago, I gave the idea of closing the site down some very serious consideration. With the help of a very good friend of the forum, we found a resolution to the problem (over a month ago) and are moving forward. We're moving forward so well, we set yet another traffic record in May. And please note we're doing it in spite of the falsehoods being propagated by those who speak from positions of absolute ignorance. One of them went so far as to dare me to tell the truth, which I did in THIS POST.

Welcome back to the real T-Bucket Forums, where we recognize imitation as the sincerest form of flattery. :winkn:
Just to let you know' nothing has been posted on our forum regarding the TBucketeers. In fact we will not allow ANY talk, criticism, or bad mouthing of any other forum at all. Its one of our rules. Just thought you would like to know.
If anyone posts on other forums in a negative or derogatory manner they are warned and then asked to leave.
Gerry ,
No thank you, its the members that keep the site going. :tnku:
Plus 1. Bruce is absolutely correct.

The average traffic numbers for the first 10 days of this month project yet another record-setting month (the 6th of the year, no less :yay:), so we're just going to keep plugging away doing what we've always done - providing our members and guests with the best T-Bucket site we can possibly provide. As mentioned in another thread, we're now Beta testing IP.Board 3.2, which is going to knock people's socks off, when they finally get a chance to use it.

Gerry, my only response is it's too bad your partner couldn't conduct himself by those same standards on this site. But that's his loss, not my own.

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