Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Selling My bucket

So sorry to hear that . I hope that doesn't mean you will be posting any less on the site.
I'm sorry to hear that Putz. I have never been one to sell stuff. It is a personal decision but I found that a month later the money was gone and so was the car. :(

good luck!
Good luck with selling your bucket. Hope you stay with the Forum. Everyone's having a hard time right now. I build one or two cars a year to sell and there isn't a whole lot of money in it, so I do less and less. I also do machine work, making parts etc. for people that need anything done-- cars and fishing boats. And the fishing industry is really hurting right now, so I'm in the same spot.
I will stick around here To keep the hope of getting or building one again. Couple of last pics
This was today


Before the stretch
Insert appropriate (or inappropriate) wife joke. The fact is if mama aint happy, no one is happy.

Why are wedding dresses white? So the dishwasher matches the stove.
Why are womens feet smaller? so they can stand closer to the stove.
Brr... cold there too I guess.
It was a beautiful, sunny day here but I was too sick to go out in the unheated garage I am borrowing.
I guess I've spent too much time in there lately and got sick. Stupid cold and crappy immune system.

Just think: you will be able to build the next one knowing what you want to redo and what what you don't.
I'm still on my first so it's all a giggle (ok, I don't ALWAYS giggle while working on it).

Not to bad here 23 My kid lives in Fairbanks Ak He is happy it is finally above 0. I do have a 24X48 garage with infloor heat that a guy rents from me for his truck but have room in front for my bucket.
Aw man... you are making me drool. About the heated garage.. not about living in Fairbanks. ;) Brrr
It got up well past the freezing point here today, like it has been most of the winter but the last couple of weeks sucked.

I won't get into married jokes (dangerous territory) but I have been looking at all the old "Wizard of ID" comics online ( and they have a bunch of good ones to add to the pile.
I better go back to lurking now before I say too much. The fever and "cough medicine" are kicking in. ;)
Well that sucks, I hate when someone HAS to sell a toy. It's different if they just want to move on. Hopefully you'll get back in one soon.
Hey Putz,

Sell your T as you need to, but stay with us as you are an important resource and a needed community member.

While you get your finances headed in the right direction, keep thinking about the next car you'll build .

Regardless of the time period needed, think of the journey to your next build as a horizon to evolve and introduce us all to innovations mindfully created during the absence of this T. You know there are things you've wanted to improve.

If your T is going on eBay, I won't be looking for it or watching it because the sale of your car is none of my business.

Best wishes for a sucessful sale.


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