Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Show me yours and Ill show you mine........


Well-Known Member
So....... where are you at in your build, project or addiction? Yea, we have build threads and tales of adventure, but let's just get a few updates without all the hoopla. If it's in pieces... show us. If it's on the road, tell us how it is out there. Where ya been and what are you doing? So, show me yours.

Here's mine... hoping to order a panhard bar this week and weld it in.


So.... show me yours. Oh....... no nudity! Get your mind out of the gutter!:D
Mine is still piles of parts all over the place...nothing to take pictures of. At least now all the piles are here. Some were at my mom's, close to 200 miles away.
I'm sitting here waiting on parts and getting ready to get back it from a short hiatus. Rear suspension is nearly done. I need to redo the frame mount for my panhard bar to get it more level. Body has the floor mostly installed. Getting ready to work out the pedals, the steering, the body mounts, the drive shaft safety loop(waiting on the drive shaft though), and the tunnel/hump.

Not much done for a while.

Aug 2105. Pels visit (1) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy) - Copy.JPG

Aug 2105. Pels visit (24) (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC) (Copy) - Copy.JPG
On the road and lovin' every minute of it!

Jim........ you're havin' WAAAAAY to much fun. You need to settle down...........NOT!:D
Finally got a break from this rain and was able to take advantage of it and drive to work.

THAT'S what I'm talking about!:D That's a cool pic, too.
For now, I'm done with the T-projects for a while. Currently, my '72 Bronco is the lead project. Yeah, this ain't a T, but since this thread is in the "Lounge", it fair game. It was running and driving just a few weeks ago. It's a pretty solid Utah/Texas rig that I bought a few months ago. I've started stripping it down to remove the tub from the frame. The body will be blasted to bare steel and then get new floor panels and some other minor rust repair. Then a coat of epoxy primer as a base, then body work. Frame will get blasted as well and get powder coated. New suspension (3.5" lift) and will rebuild the entire drivetrain. I have a 302 machined and ready to build. Hope to knock this out in a year or so. If any of you are interested, I can keep you abreast of the progress.

Maybe after that, I'll build another T or get started on the chopped '30 A Tudor...

I always like to see what guys are working on. Looks like you have a few projects in the garage. The one under the Penzzoil sign gave me a woody. Up here in the rust belt, where salting the roads is the norm, the only thing that would come close looking that good would have to be a barn find. Good luck with that one.
That looks like a fun build, Ben. Will you keep it?
Yep- I've been wanting one for a while. My plan with all of my own cars is to keep them and add to the collection. I tell my wife I'd rather have another project than a new truck. She's ok with it - keeps me out of trouble!
I've always loved the original Bronco's looks. I'd love to go the opposite direction and lower one to as close to car height as possible. We did that to a CJ-7 Golden Eagle back in the early '80s. It was a fun one.
Yep. Lots of hours in that one part.


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