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SO-CAL T's 7th Annual 101 Fun Run

San Diego T

SO-CAL T's proudly presents the 7th Annual 101 Fun Run in San Diego on August 5th & 6th, 2011. This year we will be at the Embarcadaro Park north next to Seaport Village on the San Diego Bay. Of course there is Crusin Grand on Friday night, along with a special treat on Friday morining. Come join us. All vehicles must be pre-registered. Contact Dennis 'Flathead" Mahar at or call 760-634-2614 to get your pre-reistration form.
SO-CAL T's proudly presents the 7th Annual 101 Fun Run in San Diego on August 5th & 6th, 2011. This year we will be at the Embarcadaro Park north next to Seaport Village on the San Diego Bay. Of course there is Crusin Grand on Friday night, along with a special treat on Friday morining. Come join us. All vehicles must be pre-registered. Contact Dennis 'Flathead" Mahar at or call 760-634-2614 to get your pre-reistration form.
Hi Dennis,

What will it take to get some of the fine folks I've met at the last two events to spend some time on this forum? I know the forum members like to view the progress on new builds. The home we visited at Sierra Vista is building the Viper powered T that the locals here on the forum would eat that up.

Hi Dennis,

What will it take to get some of the fine folks I've met at the last two events to spend some time on this forum? I know the forum members like to view the progress on new builds. The home we visited at Sierra Vista is building the Viper powered T that the locals here on the forum would eat that up.


Bob I put a photo of that big bad Viper in my is going to be cool.......


I'll ask you the question I asked Dennis. Of the 100 new T owners I've met at the last 2 events, why is it that only about 3% are active on this forum? This is a great "T bucket only" forum with all the bells and whistles. If you look at the map of members, it looks like the 7 western states just does not have many T's. I know we have a lot.


I'll ask you the question I asked Dennis. Of the 100 new T owners I've met at the last 2 events, why is it that only about 3% are active on this forum? This is a great "T bucket only" forum with all the bells and whistles. If you look at the map of members, it looks like the 7 western states just does not have many T's. I know we have a lot.



Mike is right on about just 10% of the people do all the fun things in any club. This means running the show or particapate in the shows. They also don't do much in the way of web partaication either. I can tell you of about 100 buckets in the state of Arizona alone and unless I miss my count 20 Buckets that were at Fred's last week were from outside Arizona so that left 60 or better at home. I know there are a lot more in the Southern Californa than were at 101 this year.

If more Buckets were actual "drivers" than show cars and then just went to one T Bucket Run those drivers would not miss many other runs anywhere close to them. The whole thing about T Buckets in my opinion is not the cars, even through the cars are what brings us together, but the family atmosphtre is what brings us back for another 'Run'. I don't know if you got to be around the New Mexico bunch in SV but we had a ball and all the folks around us had a bunch of fun.

At the Nats in NC last year there are about 500 Buckets within 600 miles of the location and about 20 from that part of the world showed up with the other 100 from across the nation.....So to answer your question I don't understand why you would build a bucket then not drive it.........


Did that not answer the question or what.............?

Thanks for the reply. If it isn't too much trouble, could you check the Fred's pictures I posted and point out if I shot any of the New Mexico gang? As you know, I drive mine. So far for this run, 1742 miles and tomorrow I have to knock off the final 500 miles. I'm still a little hazy as to why more T owners don't use this forum. Am I missing something, like is there another "T's only" forum with all the bells and whistles as this one?

I would say that most people do not know about this site, and as far as shows go, guys with daily drivers don't like going to show car shows, sitting besides a car that is all chrome and polish and lots of bling and $$$$ spent on it, does not sit well with the street guys, plus the cost to enter is sometimes a bit on the high side for a daily driver person... I myself would most times rather park in the parking lot, so that I can drive off when I want to leave, because I like driving a lot more than leaving my car sitting at a show... just me here... :)

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