Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

So-Cal T's Annual Fun Run


Staff member
This is just a reminder that the SO-CAL T’s 6th Annual 101 Fun Run is scheduled for August 6th & 7th, 2010 in San Diego, CA. This year we are again the host for the famous Crusin' Grand car show and cruise night in Escondido on Friday night. This is the weekly gathering of approximately 400 local hot rods, with special parking for T-buckets. On Saturday will be traveling from Encinitas to the beautiful town of Julian. Julian is a quaint little town with lots of shopping, restaurants, homemade apple pie and bread. Again we will end the day back in Encinitas at Brett’s BBQ, which has offered us their parking lot and restaurant for the conclusion of the cruse, dinner for those who are hungry, and awards. We will be having special awards this year and everyone will receive a door prize for showing up. This year we are requesting a $20.00 pre-registration fee to help cover the costs of the t-shirts, dash plaques, awards and other items. SO-CAL T’s membership is working very hard to make this year’s event very special for you and the ladies.

More information along with a pre-registration form will be coming next week along with a motel/hotel list. SO-CAL T’s looks forward to seeing old friends again, and also to the prospect of making new ones at this year’s 101 Fun Run. If you have any questions please contact Dennis Mahar at 760-634-2614 or at or at Please pass this info on to your friends.

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