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Some brief downtime on Tuesday 7 May


Well-Known Member
I wanted to post, to let everyone know we will be experiencing some brief downtime, tomorrow, 7 May. I hate downtime as much as anyone else, but this is going to really pay off for us.

As some of you will know from previous posts, I've been keeping an eye on how the site is growing, the overwhelming traffic numbers that just continue to climb and the resources available on our server.

I've been making some server changes, in an effort to keep our load numbers low and to help increase page load speeds, here on the site. I just made 4 variable changes to our database and picked up a bunch of speed. But I keep thinking there is more to be gained.

I've been in conversation with our hosting company and a couple of their support techs. After some clarification on some of the directions I am wanting to go, and a bit of price haggling, we are going to step things up. And more than just a little bit. This is going to be like moving from a horse and buggy into a Bugatti Veyron.

We are going to be taking the server down, adding some additional RAM and changing the database management system from MySQL to MariaDB. We are preparing to start running this place at warp speeds. I'll not bore anyone with geeky details on the whys, but I can tell you from the test data I have been able to read, our database is going to get a huge dose of adrenaline. Some of the more common table activities will be running at least 24% faster, with peak increases in the 60% range. And the additional RAM will allow me to allocate a huge chunk of it to a database buffer pool, which will speed things up even more.

I have the site ready for the MariaDB drop-in. I upgraded MySQL, yesterday morning, to the latest release. So the drop-in should take something less than 1 hour. In all likelihood, it will take less time than that, but I don't want to get myself in hot water, making ridiculous claims.

Once the database system is switched over to MariaDB, the techs will add the additional RAM and we will be able to reboot the machine and get the forums back online. I apologize for the downtime, but trust me when I say it will all be worth it. This will ensure much happiness on our server for years to come. And a little over $77 in server upgrades are going to cost us an additional $5 per month. This is going to be HUGE for us and at virtually no increase in operating expense.

So be prepared, as the site will be going down at some point, tomorrow. It will take some coordination between myself and the tech who will be doing to hardware replacements, so I don't see how I will have much chance to warn everyone. If you get here and the site is down, wait about an hour and check back.
Frustration abounds. We are now running on better server resources and on what should be a much more efficient database management system and page generation speeds have nearly quadrupled. After 9 hours of work, mind. Naught like spending so much time and a bit of dosh to see things moving in the wrong direction to ruin my day. :cautious:

I guess if this was easy, everyone would be doing it.

Wait. Everyone is doing it.

Pardon me, whilst I nip over to Google, to see if anyone offers crocheting classes in this area. :rolleyes:
Sleep is highly over-rated. And I need to leave for work in just a few minutes.

Slowly, but surely, we are working out all the problems, but it has been like trying to wring blood out of a stone.

We've managed to get all the caching scripts back in place, so that's a good thing. But now, that has managed to kill the Help Desk add-on. :x3:
OK, it's away to work with me. I think things are running at a point where they just might keep running, through the night. And then tomorrow, I will get to come home and go through all of this, all over again. Yippee... :rolleyes:
Well, the forum is still running. Somehow, I suppose that should be making me happy. But to be honest, I'm ready to drag the entire mess to the curb, just to be away from it all. I am sick to death of all the hassle yesterday dumped in my lap. In all honesty, we should have been down no more than maybe 30 - 45 minutes. It's coming up on 22 hours and stuff is still not working.

The Help Desk script is dead in the water. Trust me, it will not work. You can go check for yourself, but I already have a boatload of error messages because of the problem. So take my word on it and save me another boatload of error messages. I contacted the developer and he thinks he has a set of files to get us around the error. He was going to send those to me at 1:35 AM, but I'm yet to see anything from him.

Tapatalk was also smacked. I just re-uploaded a fresh set of Tapatalk files and it is somehow working again.

If I can ever get my hands on a set of files for the Help Desk, I'll see if I can get it running again.
Mike, I don't understand a bit of it, but let me just say...THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!
Mike look at the fine print. $77 and 40 hours of work or $ 1000 and 45 min of work lol
OK, the Help Desk is back in business.

I think (Hope? Pray??) we are now back at 100%. If you happen to find a function that is not behaving as expected, please submit a ticket on it, so I can look into it. Don't hesitate in pointing out potential problems, because I cannot get them repaired if I don't know about them.

I am monitoring the database management system on the server and making small tweaks to its configuration file, as data is being collected on it. After editing the config file, I have to restart the database, to take advantage of the new configurations. The restart will drop all of your sessions, which means you will need to log back into the forum after a restart. Apologies for that step being necessary. It is my hope that in the next 7 - 10 days, configuration edits will slow to a near-stop and will only need to be made every 30 - 45 days, as part of the natural growth of the site.

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