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Tap water vs Distilled water

Mineral deposits can shorten the life of your radiator. I figure distilled water at 79 cents a gallon is very cheap insurance.
For the money, distilled water is not a bad idea. But, the first time you have a cooling system leak in Resume Speed, Wyoming, at oh-dark-thirty on a Sunday morning, you're going to use whatever water you can get your hands on.

C'mon, Ben, jump back in with tap water and start overdosing on flouride, again. :barefoot:
eh, I get enough fluoride from my toothpaste -

I agree that on the road you use what you got, but since these aren't daily drivers, and sit a lot, I like to use the distilled water with a little antifreeze and water wetter. I also typically flush the coolant in the '27 every year..but that's just me ;)

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