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Ted Brown's T buckets


The other night my Son was reading some old hot rod magazines and is starting to research his next project. He is in love with 60's and 70's style buckets and will probably build one along those lines. Anyway, he comes to an article and says "Boy, this Ted Brown sure builds a great looking bucket." I looked and there was a very young Ted kneeling down in front of his T. I told my Son, "Ted is on the T Bucket Forum I am on and he has been one of the driving forces in the whole movement for years and years."

I'll have to take a picture of that page and post it.

Ted started the lust for a Fad T for me as a teanager back in the early 70s. I've been planning one ever since and now that I have retired it has started to become a reality. Thanks Ted for keeping the flame going!;)
Tbucketnut Steve
Ted is great reference material. I have wanted a T form when I was 15 or so... And last winter I built mine.
Well a VERY BIG Thank You guys... So many cars that I built from the ground up, and then read about in a mag. and it said it was built by the owner... I guess he can say that, as it was his money that got it built, but that always hurt in a strange way... Norm was the starting fire for me... Took a few years of building AG/S cars before finally building my first T bucket... Then while driving it everyday and to any and everywhere, day and night, folks looked at it and wanted one for themselves, so I started building them instead of the race cars... More fun to ride more than a few seconds... Still driving my old work Horse T Bucket, they are the most fun car I have ever driven.
Your cars also have a very distinctive "Ted Brown" look to them. Hard to describe, but when I see one I know immediately you have your hand in it.

I know exactly what you mean about people who take credit for a car you built. Many years ago I built a bugeye Sprite with a 289 Ford in it. When I went in the service I sold it to a friend, and years later I ran into the car, now owned by a 3rd owner. When I said "That is my old Sprite" the guy said, "What do you mean, I bought it from the guy who built it? He even told me how he modified everything to make it work." The funny part was, my friend couldn't turn a wrench if his life depended on it. :D So I guess you are right, if they paid money for it, they built it.

The other night my Son was reading some old hot rod magazines and is starting to research his next project. He is in love with 60's and 70's style buckets and will probably build one along those lines. Anyway, he comes to an article and says "Boy, this Ted Brown sure builds a great looking bucket." I looked and there was a very young Ted kneeling down in front of his T. I told my Son, "Ted is on the T Bucket Forum I am on and he has been one of the driving forces in the whole movement for years and years."

I'll have to take a picture of that page and post it.


Still waiting for that magazine scan Don ;) Not that I doubt you, but I've been in the hobby for better than 40 years and the Ted I know has never been young. :roflmao:
Good to see you back here Ted. how are those eyes doing?

Once again, great to have you on the forum Ted.
Ted started the lust for a Fad T for me as a teanager back in the early 70s. I've been planning one ever since and now that I have retired it has started to become a reality. Thanks Ted for keeping the flame going!;)
Tbucketnut Steve
Yes along with this, Ted-- you sure have cost me a hell of a lot of money this last year:roflmao:
I bet there are a lot of wives out there who wish we had never heard of Ted Brown's T buckets. :D I'll shoot a copy of that early picture today when I am at the shop and post it up.

Ted: I was thumbing through an old Car Craft from the 60's, and ran a cross your Ted Brown Chassis ad. It noted that for a few bucks you'd send plans to set up an Independent Jag rear--that offer still good ? :D
Well CCR still sells them, as I used to do it, way back then... Now Days That whole rear cross member would be rubber mounted, no solid rods anywhere to the frame, only a nice strong set of radius rods needed to hold it all in place, same as a stock unit is done... Really simple to do that way, and that is the correct way to do a Jag Rear... I bet if you asked Jerry, at CCR he would make that whole setup for you... If I get my flame cutter back to working again, I may make a few...
So Jerry, can you make that setup? If yes advise price.

Im another one inspired by Ted Brown Chassis when I was a kid. And Im on the other side of the world and didnt get to see too many American hot rod magazines. It just seemed that there were a lot of pikkys and articles on the Early Times cars and Teds buckets were prominent along with Model A RPUs at the time.

Love them RPUs still too

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