...So, I got her one. She looked awfully lonely in there - had nothing in common with the Ford Escape - so we kicked the Escape out of the garage to make room for a '51 Chevy. The boss-ladys car was aging a bit, but not in the way that makes our cars cool. She has been talking about needing/wanting a new one. She has also been wanting an old car of her own - specifically a '51 to '54 Chevy. At a car show a couple of months ago - she nailed down her year to a '51 or '52 after falling in love with a copper colored '51 at the show. Made me start thinking about her need of a new car. I made an argument about not spending $20K+ on a new (used) car...why not keep your existing car, and find her a good solid running '51 or '52 Chevy. Something solid and reliable enough to use as a daily driver, or at least split time with her Escape. We could buy a "new" car, would be significantly more expensive, the value would only continue to tank, and she'd only want another new one in another 6, 7, or 8 years - OR, we could buy an "old" car, would be a lot cheaper (at least to start out), would be a hellova lot cooler, and the value would only go up, especially after we start working on it some.
To my surprise - she agreed - found a '51 the next day, went and looked at it, and now my '27 isn't so lonely anymore. Additionally, I have the coolest garage in the neighborhood as well.
To my surprise - she agreed - found a '51 the next day, went and looked at it, and now my '27 isn't so lonely anymore. Additionally, I have the coolest garage in the neighborhood as well.