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Tire Size Help...

I'm about to change the rear tires on my T to From Mickey Thomson 29 18-50 15 to maybe Mickey Thomson 29 18-00 15 Sportsman S/R.. I see they do a 31 18-00 15 also.. Is there any reason I should consider the bigger tire ?
I've been told that the S/R works well in the rain, if you're so inclined. Don't know that there would be a ton of difference between a 29 and 31. I like the 31 better, your mileage may vary.
Do you like how your car is sitting now? IMO, I'm not fond of the "rubber rake", If you have adjustment in your suspension to lower it to compensate for the height difference or you like the "rubber rake" go for it. Jack the rear up a little (1") and take a look at it from 20', 30' away.
If you change tire dia. , You change gear ratio and speedo calibration ....
I understand about speedo calibration but that doesn't apply here. At the moment I use a phone app for speed & once the new tires are on I'll be changing to an electronic speedo that can be calibrated to my needs..
Do you like how your car is sitting now? IMO, I'm not fond of the "rubber rake", If you have adjustment in your suspension to lower it to compensate for the height difference or you like the "rubber rake" go for it. Jack the rear up a little (1") and take a look at it from 20', 30' away.
I did that this afternoon & could barely tell the difference.. If my decision is purely going to be based on aesthetics then I think I'll stick with the 29"

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