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Title for my T


I know this has been covered but i can't find the exact answer for my question.I have searched the forums and internet sites.

My frame was bought by me second hand. Bill of sale only
My body is a Wintec. Receipt only
My engine was purchased from an engine builder. The block has no numbers because it was decked. I have a bill of sale only

I am in Texas and need to get a VIN assigned and registered. I have no paperwork. What do i have to do to get this done? I am leary of taking it to DPS and they see the engine block numbers are gone.

When you deck the block it takes the serial numbers off. The pad that is in front of the head is actually the deck of the block. So when the block is decked off come the serial numbers. The blocks can be machined to leave the numbers if it was for a restoration, but most shops just cut them off.
You need to research Texas H.B. 890, it's the newest legislation on the registration and titling of Hot Rods in Texas.

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