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TP master cylinder

My master cylinder is leaking and I want to replace. It is out of a total performance. Cylinder part #29967-6C the last letter could possibly could be a G or 6. I went to carquest counter guy cross refence it and had a couple different ones that had 2 different push rod sizes but the cylinder was 8 and one half long mine was only 71/2 inch long from where it bolts to bracket it can be know longer than 71/2 inches trans mount is in the way no way to move it a tight fit. Th counter man is good at what he does and I trust him. He said there are other ones that reference that # but he does not have it in the store on his computer screen it does not show no measurements that can help us. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do. Any help would help be appreciated.If anyone has an xtra one let me know. We also looked for a rebuild kit with no luck. Sorry to be so long winded. Thank You
Check with Speedway they may have a cross reference number, they did on some parts that I was looking for.
10-1687.jpg m39447-3.jpg The silver top is a Chevette and the gold top is a Vega, both appear to be short but I can't find dimensions. Maybe your local parts store has one in stock.
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While the exterior measurment of the MC is important to fitting in your chassis , the bore dimension is critical to your brakes functioning properly....I "think" that TP used a ford MC
Here is a Bendix chart with a 29967c part number, maybe that's the one?upload_2016-8-13_12-4-34.png
Is it the old single pot one or the new (Mustang style) one?
my counter man said it was a gm master cylinder
View attachment 12333 View attachment 12334 The silver top is a Chevette and the gold top is a Vega, both appear to be short but I can't find dimensions. Maybe your local parts store has one in stock.
Is it the old single pot one or the new (Mustang style) one?
View attachment 12333 View attachment 12334 The silver top is a Chevette and the gold top is a Vega, both appear to be short but I can't find dimensions. Maybe your local parts store has one in stock.
While the exterior measurment of the MC is important to fitting in your chassis , the bore dimension is critical to your brakes functioning properly....I "think" that TP used a ford MC
Thanks guys, for he help I will be checking these out I do know it is a gm part# as mycounter man said he is one of the old veterans still working the counter.
If you can't find one or a kit, there isn't much to them. If you find a kit for a GM mc with the same diameter bore, hone it and replace the plungers. It should be good to go.

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