Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Transmission Tunnel - See Through


Because of the polished tranny and chrome shifting and EB mounting brackets, I am considering making a see-through tranny tunnel, using either plexi-glass or molded plastic, etc. I also want it to be removable, in order to clean it. Has anyone done one of these?
seen a 10.5 car here that races the 1/8th mile. He has a clear plexi scoop. If you had a mold or form you could heatform it.

I would not think clear plexi would be very strong and is also VERY acceptable to scratches and cracks. Lexan is stronger but still scratches very easily.
Kevlar isnt clear to my knowledge.Scratches if not to deep can be taken out with the kits they have out now for the plastic lenses for the newer head light.I still like the Lexon idea with that chrome tranny and stuff.Go for the lexon.
Thanks, I would probably make a carpet cover to protect it most of the time. Where do you buy Lexon? Also, where is the best place and what do you use for a radiator shield?
Any plastics wholesale retail house will have the lexan.I dont have anything on my radiator i like the aluminum look.
I have made tail light lenses by heat forming in an oven. As I rememember the plexy took around 450 degrees to form it. The lexon would need 600+. A complete trans cover probably won't fit in an oven. The vac-u-form process would be the way to form this piece. I'm not sure if it could be done in lexon without crazing the material though. Check the phone book for local plastics companys. If you can find someone who is able to do it for you, I would have more than one done. One could be saved just for shows and a few others for driving.

Back to the oven for a minute. You could fab a sheet metal cover with a window in it.

You will need to make a plug to form the piece. I made mine from pieces of pine 2x6's for the taillights.

Would be a cool project. keep us posted on what you find out.

How about an alternative method. Consider forming a 1" x 1" x .125 woven metal grid to the tunnel shape and having it chromed. You would be able to stand on it without it collapsing and the .875 square holes (1.000" - .125) are plenty to see through perfectly. :) It could easily be designed to make it removable and you can cover it when driving if the addded heat is an issue.

Just a thought...

Mr. Fixit
How bout pull a small trailer loaded with mirrors so everytime you stop jump out and slide all the mirrors under it so people can see.:)
How bout one made of sheetmetal painted and pinstriped up real nice, and use dzus fasteners to mount it..
You could just pop it off when you got to the show..
My thought is a car with this type of history needs to be shared and shown. Kudos to you cowboy.

How about a complete Lexan floor covered with a carpet until you park?
You may find a powder coater that will heat your Lexan to put on the "mold" to get the hump to clear the trans. That way you could show off brake linkage and all. I'm sure Lil John did some trick stuff all would love to see.
Thanks for all your input! Sometimes bangin' a few bucketheads together, brings out new ideas. Except for maybe an OKIE! Of course, I are one, so I'd better shut-up, about rednecks. My wife is from Chicago, her high school class had twice as many students, as the population my little home town of 1250. The first time she heard Jeff Foxworthy, she thought he was using my family for a model. Maybe because we have a double-wide at the farm and my brother-in-law hasn't traded in a pickup since '66. He just parks it in a row with the others. Never know when you might need a part, he says.
I buy my lexan at Home Depot. I live on a golf course so I purchased all different sizes. Many times for neighbors as well.

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