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Turn your car into a cartoon!


Well-Known Member
Someone posted this site on the HAMB. Turns your car into a drawing.

Kool, you can even put your car on the cover of a magazine :whistling:
Looks better this way....
Does anybody else get a warning about bad stuff on this website?
What kind of warning, from what kind of script and on what kind of bad stuff?

I do everything I can to ensure security on the server. I have a very stingy firewall script running on the server that will block IP addresses that make three hits against the same port. I do not run any services on any unusual ports, but I have the firewall watching them, just the same. Yesterday was a quiet day, as only 18 IP addresses received temporary blocks and only 6 IP addresses were permanently blocked. And yes, I always know, because I get e-mail messages on all suspicious activity.

Attempting to log into the server's control panels is also monitored. Fail on three attempts and the server permanently blocks the IP address. I have a pal in England who has given me access to her server, because she gets in a rush and IP blocks herself 2 or 3 times a year. I'll get an e-mail from her, log into her server and clear the rules that are blocking her from getting into her own server. The passwords (yes, there are more than one) on this server are over 20 characters in length and get changed on a monthly basis, so I'm doing my part.

I also have a scanner run the server, twice each day, to check for infected files. Even though we're really locked down, I still make sure none of our members have unknowingly tried to upload an infected file. I don't trust anyone.

To show you how anal the server security is, when I upload fresh files to upgrade the forum software, the server flags me up that a new script has been added that is capable of sending e-mail.

So you can see why I want some details on what script you are using to detect malicious files, details on what error it is reporting and what file it is identifying. My guess is you have a firewall running on your machine that doesn't like the cookies being served on the third-party ads. But I don't want to be satisfied with guessing, I want details, so I can verify the issue is client-side.
Mike, I think he might be talking about the Cartoonize site. Our corporate filter (Websense) blocks some of the pop-up ads on that site.
I am impressed, but would expect no less from you. I know it is in self interest, but thanks for protecting me and one of my favorite sites.
Mike, I get the message " is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous". Is it OK? I use AVG for my security. I'm currently having speed problems with this computer, so I think I'll be replaceing it before Windows 8 hits!
@ ORF - Ahhh, it's clear my head was in a dark place. That happens from time to time. (OK, more often than I care to admit! :oops:) I misunderstood you and thought you meant it was the forum site causing the warnings. I will admit I exist in a constant state of paranoia, when it comes to site security.

I just ran an image through the external site, downloaded the result and attacked it to see if I could find anything malicious. I came up empty-handed. I don't even see any digital signatures in the file, which can sometimes trigger alerts. From what I can see, the download was OK. But I don't want to tell you to ignore your protection software.

The file name is rather unusual, in that it provides a download, named upload_XXXXX. That could be triggering AVG. The 45 character file name could also be triggering AVG. But I just ran this image through this site, which provides analysis from 41 different scanners (including AVG) and it came up clean as a whistle.

About the only real advice I can offer you is to proceed at your own risk.

Just out of simple curiosity, are you running either Google Chrome or IE9 as your browser?

I'm not sure what version of Windows you're running, but you might just need to give Windows an enema to improve speed. If you need some suggestions on some things you can try to improve performance, let me know and I'll be glad to help you out.

@railroad - I take matters of security and privacy very seriously. I have an obligation to protect your personal data, so I do everything I can to do just that. I sometimes think I need a tin-foil hat :D to identify my paranoia, but I operate on the principle it is always better to be safe rather than sorry. Even though I like to think our security would deny a virtual-Houdini, there are still multiple backups made of the site, each day.

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