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Upgrading the Site


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Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that we are finally going to bite the bullet and upgrade the software which runs the T-Bucket Forums ( With the coming holidays, I am not exactly sure when the changeover will happen, but I do know we will be down while the programming update is getting done.

I will post in here, and will post in our FB group as well to give everyone as much notice as I can as to when the upgrade will be happening.

Any questions, just let me know.
Thanks, Janet
What is your Facebook group?
You can search fb for Tbucketeers, I tried to post a link but fb won’t show it to me on the phone. I will try to remember to post a direct link to the group tomorrow from my computer.
Looks like this upgrade may be waiting for the new year.
Hopefully Wednesday!
Sounds like we are starting the upgrade today. Yes!!!
Not sure how long it will take, but if you see the site is down we are working on it. It things look a bit different the software is upgraded, but we still may be working on things in the background.
Glad to hear everyone is finding their way around.
And yes @Spanky it will take all of us a bit to get used to the new layout (even me lol).
I already see a couple of things I have to fix. 🫣

There are a lot of benefits to the new format, and I will be adding some new things in as I get them all figured out.
Jan I like the new format and I just came here this morning and it was working like it should........Thanks for the help on both Websites...........

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