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Veteran Needs Your Support


Well-Known Member
I knew Bob Barram was a proud veteran of 20 years (72-93) in the US Army, so I sent him a thank you on Veterans Day. He responded with a "thank you and honored to serve". Next I said something about “Hey you are still alive!, haven’t heard from you in awhile, he responded with "I was diagnosed with Liver Cancer". So, I called and spoke to him. The cancer has spread to his lymph nodes, so it really doesn’t look good. He started Chemotherapy this on Monday 11-9-20.

I would like to do something nice for him and try to brighten his day and help him fight this cancer by having people post to Kudoboard. It’s a digital get-well card that everyone can post texts, photos or even videos to. This will get emailed to him so he can see the well wishes.

If you would like to post something for him to read, please send me a PM. I will send you a link to his Kudoboard so you can post something for him to see. Maybe include a pic of you and your car with a comment. You can upload most any size of photo or video, it's not limited like email.


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