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We can help one another


Well-Known Member
I imagine the sharp-eyed among you have already noticed a new ad placement on the forum home page, over in the right sidebar.


At the very bottom is an ad placement for a company called Private Internet Access. Private Internet Access will encrypt your Internet connection and provide you with an anonymous IP address, to protect your online privacy. This is all done via Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunneling.

I know many of you are getting ready to walk away from this thread, but you are the very people who need this service the most.

Take a look at this brief tutorial -

Most of you won't believe it, but if you are using a public WiFi system to access the Internet, any number of people, also using the same WiFi, can access what you are doing. Log into these forums, and they will own your forum account. Log into Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or any other social media service, and they will own your account.

Most importantly, if you log into your bank account, they will not only own your bank account, they will own you, as well.

There is a way to prevent this from happening, and it is easy to set up. And this high level of security doesn't cost nearly as much as you might think.

Once you log into Private Internet Access, you will be able to select server locations from all over the world - 7 sites in the U.S., two in Canada, two in England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany, Romania, Hong Kong, Israel, Australia, and Japan. Once you access one of these servers, you will be issued a IP address, which will make the rest of the Internet think you are located in one of these geographical locations.

Your connection to the Internet will then be cryptographically secure, using state-of-the-art technology. No one, including your own Internet Service Provider will be able to snoop on what sites you are visiting.

No one will be able to detect your identity, nor will they be able to mine any of your transmitted/received data. Everything moving through the VPN tunnel will be encrypted and safe from prying eyes.

If you travel out of the country and are frustrated about not being able to access services like Netflix, simply log into one of the U.S.-based VPN servers, which will make Netflix think you are sitting in the U.S. I use this same technique to access BBC radio programming, from here in the States.

I've been investigating VPN services for quite some time, trying to decide the best route to take. I own several servers, so I could easily install a VPN package on one of them and that would mask my identity and location. But then, I realized that my location would always appear as being wherever the server was located. I looked into purchasing a DigitalOcean Droplet, locating it in the U.K. and just settling for that. But the Droplet would cost $5/month, or $60/year. By paying for a year's service, up front, I can now access the Internet from any of the twenty-one locations listed above, and I am saving money. One year of service with Private Internet Access costs just $39.95.

This is an excellent way for all of us to suddenly go back to using the Web anonymously, but more importantly, it is an even better way to access the Web securely. When you are using a public WiFi to access sites protected by passwords, anyone with a copy of Firesheep installed in their browser can sniff your log-in details. And it can be done with a single mouse-click. Click on that link and look at how easily Firesheep can be installed and used, and you will suddenly feel very naked and very exposed.

So there you have it, I am pointing you to a VPN service that will provide you with anonymous, encrypted, and secure Internet access. All I am asking is that you click on that sidebar ad, to connect with Private Internet Access, because that will kick a small portion of your purchase back to me. And it won't cost you a dime to do it. You will still be able to purchase all of the Private Internet Access features at the same, low price.

Don't be afraid of using these VPN services, because they are very simple to set up. Private Internet Access has some very detailed instructions on how to set up VPN access on almost every operating system and/or device. All versions of Windows, Mac OS X 10.x, all flavors of Linux (everything fell onto my Arch systems), iPads, Android devices, and you can even flash router firmware to take advantage of all these features.

I have four VPN servers set up on my machines, one in San Jose, CA, one in Miami, FL, one in Toronto, Ontario, and one in London, England.


Accessing one of these secure servers is as easy as clicking on my network manager icon, then clicking on whatever VPN I want to use. Connection happens within seconds and I go right on doing whatever I was doing, but with the knowledge than no one can track me. Yes, it really is that easy.

So, if Internet privacy is something that concerns you, please visit the forum home page and click on that ad. You will suddenly realize just how secure your connection can be, and you will also be doing me a good turn, by helping me make a couple, extra dollars.

You can try Private Internet Access for a single month, for just $5. If you want to give it a whirl for just 6 months, you will pay $35.95. But the real savings comes in with an annual subscription of just $39.95.

Click on that ad, and start securing your own Internet fort, today.
Mike...Thanks for the information. Sometimes you post technical stuff that I even I understand to some extent. I will look into this and have forwarded it to my much smarter son to look over. Always learn something when the man behind the curtain speaks!

OK, here is a steal of a deal for the holidays.

For a limited time, by clicking on THIS LINK, you can save 20% on a secure, VPN account with Private Internet Access. The 20% discount applies to the monthly rate, which is now only $5.45, or on the annual rate, which is only $31.95.

So, if you are just wanting to stick a toe in the water, you can check out the security of your very own, encrypted VPN account for the month of December. But the real deal comes by signing on for the annual subscription rate, which figures to just $2.66 per month!

Believe me, I am delighted with my Private Internet Access VPN account, and I bought in at the regular annual rate of $39.95. Knowing what I now know about Private Internet Access, a 20% off deal would have me ripping the pocket right off my trousers, trying to get to my wallet.

And for those of you who are really into anonymity, remember that PIA accepts all forms of payment, including Bitcoin and any brand gift card you might have. If someone gives you a gift card from someplace like Starbuck's, Macy's, or WalMart, you can use that card to pay for services at Private Internet Access. What better Christmas gift can you possibly give yourself, other than:
  • Encrypted online security
  • Anonymous Web browsing
  • Security on public WiFi spots
  • Saying goodbye to geographical Web site restrictions
  • Complete uncensored access to the true internet
Remember, you can have all these advantages, plus get a 20% discounted monthly or annual rate, just by clicking HERE. And remember, by clicking on that affiliate link, not only are you getting a fantastic deal, but you are also stuffing a bit of cash in my own Christmas stocking. So we both end up with a great Christmas present.

This is a limited-time offer, so don't hesitate and miss out on the savings.

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