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Wheel Dollies


Active Member
I'm thinking about ordering a set of wheel dollies so that I can push my 23T back into the corner of my small garage. I do have a cement floor but before I order a set I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with them. How easy is it to move a car once it's up on the dollies and do you think they're worth the money?
It don't even have to be a good one. I have a small one and it works fine. I just made a longer handle for it.

I have a set. They are a good investment. However, if you can get by with the floorjack, go that way first. Unless you need to move the car back and forth once a week, they'll just sit collecting dust.
I bought a set from Harbor Freight several years ago and yes, they do spend a lot time taking up space but they have been very useful over the years and I'm glad I made the purchase. Besides using them for cars I've used them to move engine blocks and transmissions around the garage and for any other time it was easier to move something with a dolly than carry. Actually as far as taking up space they stack fairly well and don't really take up that much room. The only drawback to the ones I bought is the small steel casters.
I second that opinion......Those small steel caster SUX ! I bought a set (4) onsale at Chi Com freight, I thought Ohhhhhhhh Boy this is gonna be great. So I jacked up the car, put em under it and tried to push it towards the shop door.....NOPE, didn't hardly move, kinda slid across the floor.
The wheels don't swivel with weight on em. I noticed the holes in the wheels are oversize a bunch for the axles. I think they are getting into a bind.
They work good for putting engines on to push em around, why they don't work with the car I have no clue.
I suggest you but at your own risk. Or buy em and buy some QUALITY swivel casters for em.....Just my 2 bits.
Thanks guys, you all confirmed my suspicion that the small wheels were going to be a problem. I have moved it in the past using my floor jack, I just thought the wheel dollies might make things easier over the winter months when the car is stored and I have to move it to access my wood working equipment.
Telman2 said:
I'm thinking about ordering a set of wheel dollies so that I can push my 23T back into the corner of my small garage. I do have a cement floor but before I order a set I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with them. How easy is it to move a car once it's up on the dollies and do you think they're worth the money?

I bought a set from a local manufacture here in North Texas. They make different widths based on your tires. They are very heavy duty and roll great. Not only can you use them to move your project out of the way but if you limited space they make it easy to spin it around. I have also used mine with jackstands on them.

Longhorn Manufacturing - Engine Stands, Auto Rotisseries, Pro-Rollers,Transmission Stands
We've got about 12 of the Harbor Freight ones, and yep, they suck. It is easier to push the car around on a floor jack, because the tiny wheels don't turn right, and you have to keep spinning the wheels in the direction you want to go, then you can push the car in that direction.

I bet good ones (read that as "more money" are much better, and have bigger wheels. We have ours stacked up and use them occasionally, but only as a last resort. (oh, they also catch on seams in the concrete and stop) :sad: They are good for putting two of them under rear ends though, and one will move a transmission around ok.

Those Dollies in the above links look really good, and are probably well worth the Bux..... Like they say, Ya get what ya pay for !! Get the good stuff !...... "BH":razz:
I have a set of cheapies from Big lots. I have moved a 72 Camaro. 66 Nova, 87 Corvette and a VW bug on them. On top of that I have used them for moving engines and transmissions as well.
Telman2 said:
I'm thinking about ordering a set of wheel dollies so that I can push my 23T back into the corner of my small garage. I do have a cement floor but before I order a set I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with them. How easy is it to move a car once it's up on the dollies and do you think they're worth the money?

Here's an update on the dollies:

I had mentioned getting a set of these dollies to a friend of mine before I posted here asking about them. I hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks after we first talked about them. It turned out he thought they were a good idea so he went ahead and ordered the same set from Speedway to put under his Chevelle during the winter months. He came over today and told me they work like a dream, he wished he got them years ago. Now his Chevelle is at least twice as heavy as my 23T and I had no trouble moving it all over the inside of his garage. I think I'm going to go ahead and get a set for myself, I'll let you guys know how they worked with my 23T.

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