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Youngsters vs CCR frame


Hey guys, I'm brand new here and hope that I'm not asking something taboo, but I've done searches and not found an answer...I'm in the planning stages of a t bucket and plan to build the frame myself. Looking on various sites, it seems that the two most popular frame designs are those by Youngster and those based on CCR's design. I'm planning on a drivable car with a SBC 383. Probably a stretched body because I'm 6'4". Im looking for decent road performance at a reasonable price. Are there advantages of one design over the other? Anything that I should steer clear of? While I'm not a newbie to cars, I'm new to the hot rod and t bucket scene, and a lot of the t bucket suspension components are a bit new to me yet. Thanks for any guidance.
Welcome from SW florida. I too am new to building t's. I have built my frame after a design that I saw at It is allowing me not to lose interior space by channeling, although some diehards don't like seeing the frame . I'm not sure yet if I will have a small driveshaft hump in the interior or not. I don't think I will. All the site sponsors will answer any questions you have. I have a 10" stretched body from R.P.M. While sitting in it, my legs are stretched out with plenty of room to spare. I am 5'11". Here are a couple of pics. Good luck.View attachment 7626z body2.jpgz body2.jpgz body.jpg
Mike, where in Fl are you? I'm in Tallahassee. I like the z frame because of the extra tub room, but I think I may channel mine for a cleaner look. But, I guess I won't know for sure until I get the body in my garage. I'm sure I'll mock up everything with wood the way others suggest, but I'd really like to at least settle on a best case frame design first.
You can not go wrong with CCR. Quality workmanship and Jerry and Diane are great people to deal with. Give them a call and discuss your project with them and I think you will find they can accommodate anything you need ... don't call them on Monday ... they are closed.
I'm waiting on my Spirit stretch body to get here and I too am finally getting my long planned project going. I like the channeled look but I am going to look at it without channeling the rear to see if it is objectionable. As the body gets wider, the frame will be more hidden and the tire may hide some of it at the back. Custom headers close to the body and right at the bottom of the body may be another hider. I will post pix when I have my body.
My goal is a drivable car to go on long trips. I drove my avatar from Atlanta Ga. to Memphis Tn. on my honeymoon in 1972. I put over 100,000 miles on it in 7 years, I just hope my OLD FAT body will let me do a little more!
I'm more looking for advantages over one design vs the other. I would rather build the frame myself, but the two designs are different. I just don't know which design is better..
Mike, where in Fl are you? I'm in Tallahassee. I like the z frame because of the extra tub room, but I think I may channel mine for a cleaner look. But, I guess I won't know for sure until I get the body in my garage. I'm sure I'll mock up everything with wood the way others suggest, but I'd really like to at least settle on a best case frame design first.
I'm between ft. myers and naples. I also mocked up with wood. good way to make changes if needed. You only have to please yourself in the end. There are alot of ideas in these forums. " Ideas are like butts, some look better than others" Take your time, I've changed the way of doing things a number of times and I'm only on the frame.
I can't give a this is better answer. what I have done is study both, cut wood to size, put my drive train and axels and body on blocks, then using the plans mock up a frame. the differences are not as large as you think, and depending on the drive train and body you will probably want something a bit different than either (I had 4 sets of plans). CCR is a sponser here and will help, RPM is a sponser and I belive has all the brackets for Youngster's frame, and Ron Young was one of the great members of this forum. My car is in the hang the axles stage, so I'm not that far along either.:confused:
I originally had a set of CCR plans and then just before I started my build, Youngster was finalizing his plans and I went with those because I liked his tapered rails, and he was always more than happy to answer any questions. I was also able to snag a Model A rear crossmember from him. His plans call for a 23" outside frame width which causes a bit of headache in fitting a starter and alternator. If I was to do it again, I would go with his plans and change the outside width to 26".
We use our own plans, but they are all real close. As for brackets we have them all, even for the old Total Performance. Youngsters plans work good, I don't see any need to taper the rails, just me. Youngsters plans are too narrow as was mentioned they make getting alternators and starters in tough on some engines. Also making the rails wider in the back just makes things more difficult to build.

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