Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

A quick state of the forums address


Well-Known Member
Apologies for not being around as much of late, but Life is managing to get in my way.

I want to thank a couple members of this forum for standing up and standing out. Without these two, this place would look like a hurricane had hit it. Actually, I hope you will take the time to thank VegasBruce and Yogi for their efforts. There is no way this place could exist without their help. You guys are the best!

In an effort to help the new members find their way around the forum, I've just posted a quick tutorial that I hope will help. You will find it here -

I'm trying to keep this short and sweet. No, really, I am.

I currently own and operate four vBulletin forums and six WordPress blog sites. In addition to the four, live forums, there is a test vBulletin forum, a test phpBB3 forum and a test MyBB forum running on the server. I am always trying to find ways to make the forums run faster, be more secure, be easier for our members to use and also easier for the search engines to crawl. You cannot imagine the amount of time it takes to look after these ten, live sites. I also spend time on other sites, trying to find new methods and new techniques to keep all ten sites running smoothly.

But it doesn't end there. I admin a site for my employer and also co-admin two other forums. I am also a moderator on four other vBulletin-related forums.

I am currently out of sorts with the company that owns vBulletin. They are developing a new branch of the forum software, which will be vBulletin 4. I have been part of a team Alpha testing the new script. The Alpha testers have had to sign off on a non-disclosure agreement, which prevents me from making any of the multitude of negative comments I would like to make. I purchased the license to use vBulletin software on this site three years ago this Tuesday. My license allows me to use the software for life. Each year, I pay a license renewal fee to maintain download access to the latest versions of the software.

That system has now been changed. When a license comes up for renewal, I must now pay an exorbitant fee to gain access to the vBulletin 4 downloads. When vBulletin is released, in approximately 24 months, I will then have to pay that same fee to upgrade. My response to Internet Brands, the owner of the vBulletin script was a simple, two-word response. The second word was 'you'. I will not be renewing my license this time around. And we will be migrating away from vBulletin, as I am simply not interested in the upcoming vB 4 script at all.

Of course, this has added to my work load. We will continue to run this site on the vBulletin license, but I am now searching for options. I am looking at the possibility of using IPS, Inc. - We're community experts but it will require a chunk of change to purchase their licensing. So I am not rushing into any decisions here. They have indicated they would like to have me bring my forum sites to them and have made an attractive offer for me to convert all four forums. Unfortunately, the expense to move all four sites is clear out of reach.

I've looked at the free forum options, such as phpBB • Community Home and MyBB Community Forums but I am not satisfied I will be able to present the same robust forum experience and secure setting as we have with the vBulletin script.

I've looked into using WordPress MU Blog Tool and Publishing Platform with the add-on. I'm already this >< close to converting a brand new forum site over to this option. I don't see anyone on this site being eager to use a site based on a blogging script, even though the BuddyPress add-on makes it incredibly flexible.

I have another option that I cannot divulge any details on at this time. I know a couple of coders that are assembling a new forum script I am extremely interested in using. But it is the best part of a year down the road, before it will be released.

I just want everyone to be aware that it is my intention to leave the vBulletin script behind. I have countless hours and dollars invested in the site as you see it and the idea of leaving it all behind is not a pleasant one, believe me. As a result, I will not just jump to something to get away. If this branch of vBulletin remains secure, I will likely wait to see the new forum script next year. If a vulnerability suddenly crops up, I will immediately move to the Invision Power script.

Above all things, I am concerned about security at the server level. Then I want a server running as fast as I can afford. We have both those in place and I cannot say enough good about Managed VPS Hosting - Managed Hybrid Servers - Managed Dedicated Servers - Managed cPanel VPS Hosting by KnownHost

My next priority is a secure forum script that offers full and simple functionality to you, the end-user. So that is my current focus. On top of everything else. :winkn:

Please bear with me. I may not be Johnny-on-the-spot with replies to you. I will get to everything as quickly as possible, but it will require a bit of patience on your part. There are just a lot of plates to keep spinning at the moment.

Remember to hoist a wee cup in honor of the T-Bucket Forums' 3rd birthday on Tuesday. :sob:
I would like to thank you for all your work in helping this site grow into such a friendly site.
Wow! I can't believe it's been 3 years already.:surprised: The time sure has flown and it's been a great honor to see this place grow. Who would of thought. My hats off to Mike for sticking with it and to Rick and Thomas who were the first ones here. I remember those days well, my friends.

I hope to be able to contribute more soon, Mike. Things are getting better for me and I am one who believes in sharing when I can.

To all the others here, it's been nothing but a pleasure to know you guys and call you friends and brothers. Some of you stand out and you know who you are. I look forward to a great future, not only for this site, but the friendships that have developed. To those new people, welcome to the coolest T Bucket site EVER!

Drive on my brothers!
It also couldn't have been this sucessfull with out you Fred and thats a fact.Your build for one was a part of us all and we pitched in where we could.I would like to see a members list of the beginning.
Maybe members should have a number in the order they registered.
Well, Rick, from what I can remember, it was Mike, you, Thomas and if I'm not mistaken TBucketLar, when I first got here. I may have missed out a person and if so, please refresh my memory. But I think it was only 5 people. I can remember when DAYS would go by without a post!:eek:

And Rick, the amount of input and help that you and others gave me was priceless. I was and am truly humbled.
putz said:
Maybe members should have a number in the order they registered.
I really like that idea BUT That would take Mike forever and thats not so good.
A big thanks to all three of you. You all have quite a load of work on this forum. Wish I knew more about computers and could help you.
Ron A.
Thanks Mike for all the effort you put into this site. Thanks Fred & all the others the threads they post every day I always look forward to see & read them. I don't post alot me being a quiet guy. :silenced: Lar
Thanks Guys!!!!! You're the best :)
I want to thank everyone here , I would have never built a T-bucket without all of you. I wish that we all could meet in one place one day,I've met Ron and his wife Pam and met Lee Great people, I hope we are all here for a long time.
Yes, thanks to all the folks who have "built" this site. :)
There is so much info here and so many reasonable" people that share their experiences.
I've only managed to donate once so far. I HOPE that will change soon. We just made a tentative deal at work which has put a strike on hold. :pray:

Mike, good luck with the software. It's sickening that they have changed the licensing agreement. Greed and lack of forward thinking on their part.
My son has been into the web and programming since the 80s. I'll ask him about similar types of software just in case there is something you haven't heard of.
However, you sure seem to have a great handle on the various packages available.
I know a bit about how much work is involved with this stuff. How you manage so many forums and such is amazing.
butch27 said:
I've talked Thomas into remaining a Buckethead, he just doesn't have service right now.

I've been out of the loop for a while. Was Thomas doubting the addiction?:)
Fred: His wife wouldn't ride with him very much this Summer.Soooo I don't know what he wants to do. I'm still in. Got engine trouble --dead number one cylinder.
Thanks to all of you guys.

When I joined I didn't know anything and as I work through the problems and questions everyone has really helped me figure it out. My favorite part of the forum is not just the great information here but the complete package, like how polite and professional everyone is. It's a great hot rodding site.

OK, here's an update. And it's a big one, so quiet in the back as I explain this one to you.

We're moving to a new forum platform. I've given vBulletin Solutions and Internet Brands all the money I intend to give them. I've spent boatloads of time and money developing this site on the vB platform and I am no longer comfortable partnering with them.

We will soon be converting the site over to use Invision Power Board software. It is a huge change for us, but it looks to be the best and most sensible move for us to make. I actually wish we had done this a year ago.

Everything is going to be changing. None of the add-on functions added to this forum will work with IPB. And the vB database will have to be converted to use the IPB format. The conversion should be fairly smooth, but it is also an inexact science.

I strongly recommend everyone discontinue adding images to the photo gallery, as we will not be able to convert the vBPicGallery over to IP.Gallery. If any of you want or need copies of any gallery images, save them now.

The GARS Article system will be a thing of the past.

I will soon be removing all of the added forum styles and returning the site to a standard vB style. After the conversion, it will take a bit of time for all of us (including me) to come up to speed with IPB, so we will have a standard IPB look for a while. It will take me a bit of time to get sponsors ads back in place, so November will be a free month for the sponsors. If you have paid through 31 December on your advertising, I will extend that through 31 January. For those who haven't paid for October's advertising yet, your ad will be restored after the conversion and after you are current.

If ay of you have any Private Messages you want to keep, I recommend you download them to your local computer. The PM's should be converted without problem, but as I said, the conversion process is an inexact process. Actually, if you will all clean unwanted messages out of your PM in and out boxes, that will save us a bit of time during the conversion. No need to be spending time converting unnecessary dead weight.

The conversion process will require closing the forums down for as much as a day. I will keep everyone informed about what changes are being made and when they will occur.

I appreciate your patience as we migrate to the new forum platform. We will be doing everything possible to make the conversion as seamless as possible. I cannot and will not be responsible for any lost data, so please take my advice and save any pictures and/or Private Messages you want to keep.

If anyone has any questions, I will do my best to provide you answers.

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