Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Anyone built a Dummy blower?


New Member
Wonder if anyone has built a dummy blower setup on a small block. Want to old racer look and tall intake setup but decent fuel economy.
What do you call decent fuel mileage? We have a blown small block with a 6-71 and two Edelbrocks, with straight linkage, not progressive. If you don't play very much it will get about 11-12 mpg and if ya like to play like I do then it gets about 4 mpg.
Didn't care for fake blowers back in the '80's and don't much care for 'em now.

...if ya like to play like I do then it gets about 4 mpg.

Possum Killer


Oh yeah, we don't see each other as a few years ago when the Black Widows were slightly more active.

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