Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

"Billet-T" Update


Well it is down to the final details. The starter was grinding a pound of metel and the tranny wouldn't tranny as I said in an earlier post. Opened everything up underneath, and dropped the tranny back. Thank God, I didn't have to pull the body or motor. Replaced the filter, which was varnished, as you said. The joker that took my $7 Grand and didn't do squat, had bolted the flywheel on backwards, and didn't bolt up the stall converter. By now I had ground off enough of the flywheel I had to replace it, and upon pulling the starter I discovered the bushings were worn out, so I had to rebuild the starter. Got the body mounts secured, horns wired and should have my headlight mounts back tomorrow. Tomorrow or Friday, I should get to do a test run, unless something else shows up.
Dammit! Another car I can't park next too!! :lol:

(Can't wait to see your T in person, Ron! You going to the Nats in Colo. Springs next year?)
Nice to see we could help get the tranny rolling.Looking good

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