Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Did you remember


Well-Known Member

Indiana can prove the old saw that those who can, do, and those who cannot, teach. Our former governor, who screwed us into the ground with this Daylight Saving Time rot, is now the president at Purdue University. I am sick to death of this changing clock settings business.
I have been waiting for Daylight Savings Times with much anticipation. I have to be at work at 6:30 AM. and work till 6:30 PM. (7 days on 7 days off). So you see it is dark when I leave for work no matter which time we are on. So with DST my ride home is now in the daylight, cool. Also all the local Saturday night cruses Start at 5 or 6 and now we will have an extra hour of light.
All my clocks are automatic except my motorcycle (and maybe my new truck) so it's not much hassle.
I am 68 and soon I will retire and set around and watch Fox News and complain about the Government full time.

from deep in the swamp.........
Good video. Got some chuckles out of that. Wish they would leave it like it is now. Farmers that are left, have very well lighted equipment. How many school kids ride buses instead of mini vans, so they aren't standing out in the early morning darkness?
Only a politician would think if you cut a foot off the top of your blanket and sew it on the bottom of your blanket you would have more blanket
Phoenix area. Still trying to figure out where I'm going to live.

Just think, 409 - I'm only a day trip from your doorstep. Be afraid, be very afraid. LOL.
You'll have to at least come to Fred's Fun Run in Tucson at the beginning of November. Usually 50 - 60 T-buckets, or if you can make it, to the NTBA Western Regionals in San Diego. We're hoping for around 100 there.

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