Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Flathead Ford Machine Shop


Looking for a machine shop in the North East North Carolina or South East Virginia area that either specializes or is known for their work with Flatheads. I can take the block to the guy down the street but he can't spell Flathead let alone know how to work on one.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks ya'll.
Good luck with your search. In East Tn 2 good machine shops come to mind. Now do they do Flat Heads I don't know. One would be White's in Kingsport, the other would be Skeens in Jefferson City.

One of my local customers has a Fatty in his bucket, he will be here tomorrow and I'll ask him
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Now THAT, MY FRIENDS, is what HotRodding and friends are all about!!!!!

The mgr'ers have heard the call of the flathead can get all your flathead parts new now, as the mfg'ers have made a complete line of parts where you can build your own flathead motors via the internet, just ordering parts.

Reason why I'm saying this is alot of the bad things that were wrong on flatheats, have mostly been corrected, with modern mfg. processes and engineering....

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