Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

For bad neighbors and Liberals

Today I turned 65 years old and never thought I would see this day as you can see I have a way with words.

But I can also say that I didn't get to be this old by being stupid and scared.

Life is good as long as I'm above ground and hope to see next year on this date and get my SS $$$$$$.:):):):):)
Happy Birthday Old Man !!!
Happy Birthday. Stubborn= old. Keep it up. You’ll live to be 100!
Oldest anyone in Family lived to 83. Don't think I'll make that with my health as it is.

Jane fell and broke the Humerus bone in her right arm Thursday the 10th and she turned 79 on Saturday the 26th. Back to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow.


upload_2019-10-29_16-51-58.png I have no teeth and still eat just fine..

imagejpeg_23.jpg Happy birthday youngster...ten years ago when I was 65 I thought I was done and look at this old fellow now building a '27 T" Cedan...
This is for us OLD folks. Laughter makes my day--after I wake up and get my coffee and breakfast. The only way to ruin it is to kill me, and you better be faster than me!!

Happy Birthday Bruce!

Please tell Jane that we have her in our prayers for a speedy recovery!

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