Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

ford lettering


I'm undecided on the color for the Ford script lettering on the rear bed. My car is a fire engine red with white pinstripes on the door outlines and the front cowl. I know it's subjective but I was thinking white lettering with black outline, some say black lettering with white outline.
What do you guys think?
White pinstripe on the script would go with the white on the rest of the car. Gold leaf would look good if you can afford to have it done. JMHO.
I'm leaning towards gold leaf with black outline to go along with all the polished brass back there.
I'm leaning towards gold leaf with black outline to go along with all the polished brass back there.
You can get variegated leaf that looks a lot like polished brass if that's what you want to do.

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