Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Well boys in 7.5 months you can call ole rooster Grand-Pa. My daughter who is a nurse called me and told me today.
Congradulations :baby:, My oldest daughter just presented us with our 4th grandchild. Being a grandpa is one of the greatest things that life presents us. I'm so proud of my kids when I see them raising my grandkids, it better than the pride I got from raising 3 great kids. Again Rooster enjoy and congrats :sun:
Congratulations, Rooster. We have four and they're a ton of fun, especially when they like cars too! Congratulations to your daughter oo.
Congrats Rooster
That is awesome. Truly!
Awesome is an oft over-used word but it does fit these situations.
I hope all goes well.
My 32 yr old son is still single. No girlfriend in his life at this time (last one was in Texas... that's a LONG way from here) so that grandpa thing is still eluding me.
Besides.. I'm too young for that. ;)
Congrats. A new TBucketeer in the making. I taught my friends son his first word... DRAGSTER. His Mum was not best pleased.
I dont think it has sunk in yet i am still surprised . Megan and mike have been married for 4 years but were always waiting or so they said. Its gona be fun .
Congratulations. I've got two grandchildren; 4 yr old girl and 2 yr old boy. The boy, Alex, is going to be a mechanic at an early age. He'll help me with the 27T someday. As I write this, I'm watching him today.
Congratulations rooster, I've got 5 myself and everyone is a blessing.
Being a Grandpa is great! I'm only 41. We have 2 grandbabies 2 girls one is 8.75 months old and the other is 9.25 months old. The oldest son says he is not ready for kids after seeing all that his brothers are having to give up.
Congrats Rooster. This will change your life. (more fun)I have been grandpa for 29 yrs. Everyone meets at our house on holidays,if every is here there is 25 people.
I never imagined anything would surpass the awe I felt when my son was born. I was wrong. Getting the chance to share that same moment with him when my granddaughter was born was the best moment of my life.

Or maybe the best moment was last weekend. Lauren ran to me, to give me a kiss and a hug. She whispered in my ear, "Oh Papaw, I love you." Now don't think I'm some kid of softie push-over, because I have that little girl right where she wants me. :wub:

Rooster, congratulations to you and your family. :jawdrop:
I never imagined anything would surpass the awe I felt when my son was born. I was wrong. Getting the chance to share that same moment with him when my granddaughter was born was the best moment of my life.

Or maybe the best moment was last weekend. Lauren ran to me, to give me a kiss and a hug. She whispered in my ear, "Oh Papaw, I love you." Now don't think I'm some kid of softie push-over, because I have that little girl right where she wants me. :wub:

Rooster, congratulations to you and your family. :jawdrop:
Thanks guys i have a great relationship with my daughter and i think this will make it only better.

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