Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



This photo is just begging for a caption.....what ya got?

This photo is just begging for a caption.....what ya got?

I don't know about a caption, but its a cool art piece in my book. We just finished powdercoating a sbc sawed in half for a local fab guy. He's gonna make it in to some sort of desk. This guy is a hell of a fabricator (much like you GAB) so can't wait to see it complete
This photo is just begging for a caption.....what ya got?

Probably gonna talk in some kind of Star Wars language, R2D2 type stuff
Take Baby steps my legs are short.
Going home now... just blew the bottom end out
Went to Vegas, lost my a$$.
to much nitro?
How about "Mike builds a good engine...but ya got to watch him, sometimes he's a little forgetful". :unsure:
Where do I get an application to be a " Mars Rover "?
The shop manual said to torque the head bolts to 65 inch pounds. Who am I to argue?
"Now that's what I call BRAKES!!!!!"


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