Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Well-Known Member
My build is no way close to being done. I'd say..... 1/6th. But so far, I have had so much help and great advise and yes, some helpful criticism. Ron built me a good foundation. Exjunk fuels my imagination and inspires me every time he posts a pic of his car. Mountain Man found my precious shifter. Paul R let me crawl all over his car. Today, Henry helped me cure a problem with my rear end clearance issue. Old Round fart gives sound thoughts and tossed in a tail light suggestion today. The list goes on and on and I can't remember everyone's names or what they did. But when I'm at a wall and think of giving up, I remember you all.

I'm on the HAMB and there a lot of great tech threads, but you..... BUCKETHEADS over shadow them all.

Thanks. Seriously. I looked for a video for this post, but there's not one worthy enough. Thanks, again.
No thank you! Your posts are always so entertaining and inspiring I look forward to them. I hope we can meet face to face sometime.
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This is my only source for my hot rod sickness. And I usually check out the posts several times a day.

My build is like my own little world. And that's OK. Other than you guys, there's only a hand full of people on the planet that even know I've been building it for the last 4 1/2 years. I don't have any buddies or family members that are into cars. So you'all's my family in that respect.

There's nothing I enjoy more than being in my shop when the juices are flowing. A 16 hour day goes by in a flash.

You can come over and look/crawl over it all you want.
You are welcome anytime.

Mine took about 16 years. Mostly working alone in the garage. THEN I met our club (Memories in Motion) and now have all kinds of help.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     