Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Optima Batteries


Active Member
If any of you guys need an Optima battery for your build, now's the time. Summit Racing Has them on sale for $177.00. :):):)
Gary get yourself an Odyssey 680 Gel Cell for about 120 bucks on eBay and you will have all the battery you will need for that car...... They are 3 inches thick and 7 inches long and 6 inches wide........Lay it down or use it anyway you need to, I have four of them and I use them in my '23 Bucket, my '26 T Coupe, my 1960 Ford pickup and then I have an extra one I use in my 1956 Ford Pickup when I drive it. Or I take it with me on road trips to cruising events....You will like them......
Here is a link.........well I guess that is not going to post.......
I'll 2nd the Odyssey, I had a 680 in a previous project, worked well. I put a 925 in my Model A, simply because it has a bit more electrical demand. So far I'm very happy with it. The bigger one is about $165 on Ebay, some nice steel or aluminum mounting boxes available also.
I use the Odyssey 925 also and have had good luck with them. The first one lasted 5 years before it seemed to be failing. They must not (or should not) be allowed to go completely dead. Going dead will diffinatly shorten thier life.

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