I just finished a chat session with Amazon. But before I did, I looked to see who the seller
was. I didn't want to punish a small business that is trying to make a living. It appeared that
it was Amazon since it said Sold and Shipped by Amazon.
I learned that the seller is actually "AsaPerformance Direct".
On Yelp they had 11 reviews
and all were 1's. Below is a copy of my chat with Amazon, my comments are in
RED. I closed
the chat window before getting the very end, but basically Amazon will send me an email. The
chat person said to give them 2 days to respond. Guess we will see!
Hello Richard, How may i help?
9:36 AM
Why was my ordered canceled? You still have them in stock.
9:37 AM
Johnny | Customer Service
I do apologize to hear about your order. Let me check to see what happen.
9:37 AM
9:38 AM
Johnny | Customer Service
Looks like the item was sold and ship by AsaPerformance Direct and i need to email them to
know more information about the cancellation.
9:41 AM
9:42 AM
Johnny | Customer Service
i see that an email has been sent by the management
AsaPerformance direct has been canceled because the seller is unable to ship your order to
the shipping address provided
9:44 AM
That's is NOT correct, Amazon has been shipping to my address for years.
9:45 AM
Johnny | Customer Service
Yes, I understand. but since the item was sold and ship by this seller , they chooses their own
carrier. I do advice to just reorder it with the other seller on the website.
9:47 AM
The price is 9 times higher now.
9:48 AM
Johnny | Customer Service
Let me check option then. Still going to message the seller to ask them other option too.
9:52 AM
Thank You!