Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

1972 T Bucket

Dude, tell us you own it now and drive the hell out of it. Man, those graphics bring back sweet memories.:lol:
wow...great to see that car is still around that one and the wrecker where andy's traveling billboards. i saw this one at andy's picnic in '81. very cool!!!

I dont see a front spring is a tortion bar or whats the deal. Inside the front tube????
or elipitcal spring???? and i just cant see it. Or is it simply some type of black magic???
i think he was using vw torsion bars in the front xmenber. i'll look for the R&C issue with it in it.

Looks like a small piece of tubing welded to the cross bar before the chroming process used as a mounting point for the light housing bolt to pass through.

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