Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

65 degrees


yesterday it got to 65 degrees, got the bucket out went for a short ride. Usually it is 15 degrees & snow on the ground in central Iowa, we have had a great winter. There was a lot of cycles out also.
Our normal high is 32° and we're predicted to see 54° for today. We're already at that point where we need some really cold weather, to knock down all the cold and flu nasties out there. But it's hard to wish for cold weather, when you get a day like this in January.
It's going to be 65 degrees here as well. I hate it when it gets that cold.
Two weeks ago we had 10.5 inches of SNOW that just yesterday the last spots went away, so today it is 64 degrees and my bucket is not put back together yet............Darn it...............

It's been in the upper 60's and lower 70's here in Houston.



Seriously, I've been taking outMiss behavin' every day it doesn't rain. Lovin' it!
It was sunny and almost 60 here in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio today-a far cry from the 20 degrees and snow Tuesday! We have a saying around here-"If you don't like the weather, just wait 'til tomorrow-it'll change!"
In looking at our extended forecast, we have a predicted high of 43° today, 47° tomorrow, 52° on Tuesday, 47° on Wednesday and more flippin' snow on Thursday. <sigh> But I'll certainly take the warmer weather between now and then, as our normal highs are in the 31° range at this time of year. And, thankfully, we're just far enough away from Lake Michigan to avoid the lake-effect snows someone like Kev has to endure.
This global warming thing is actually working out pretty well for us hot rodders ! :laugh: We had a brutally hot Summer down here and I thought it would never end, but the Winter has been super pleasant so far, with only a smattering of cold days and nights. I wish it would stay like it is right now all year long, that would make Florida even nicer.

This morning, it's 15°, with a wind chill of 2° and the view looks like this -


I don't believe I'll even walk to the end of the drive to get the mail.
Mike , I went to the Indy 500, for like 20 years +- ,in a car & a few times on a 650 motor cycle. Got to know the road out there pretty good. we always come out on hwy. 74 [ just south of where you live.]
This morning, it's 15°, with a wind chill of 2° and the view looks like this -


I don't believe I'll even walk to the end of the drive to get the mail.

Won't be laying on the massage table anytime soon, huh? LOL
Mike , I went to the Indy 500, for like 20 years +- ,in a car & a few times on a 650 motor cycle. Got to know the road out there pretty good. we always come out on hwy. 74 [ just south of where you live.]
Yeah, 74 is 25 - 26 miles south of here. I'm on the south end of town, about a mile and a half east of 231, so Crawfordsville is a short jaunt for me.

You know, I used to really like going down to the Speedway for Pole Day. But the only time I actually attended the race was in 1969. I have an aunt who lives just two blocks west of Georgetown Road, there in Speedway. We would often get together there, do a cookout and sit out in the driveway, listening to the PA at the track. My uncle (her brother) lives just a few blocks north, but once served as Fire Chief in Speedway. When I was in Indy for trade school, back in '72 - '73, he had just joined the fire department and was learning streets and fire hydrant locations. I think I could still get you to most of the hydrants in Speedway, to be honest. :)

Rockwell (now Matthew-Warren / Hyperco) did a lot of our valve springs, so we would often get their badges to spend a day or two at the track each year. I've been there a lot, but only ever went to the one race. And I've never been there for the Brickyard.

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