(One of the members of the NTBA posted this question on fb. I thought it would be interesting to hear some stories from you guys.)
What was the first T bucket you actually got a ride in?
I had seen several, but never got a ride in one until a friend of mine showed up with one after my freshman year in college in 1971. He was an inveterate car trader, always showing up with something new. I don't know where he got the T bucket. It was red, with a turtle deck and a Buick nailhead. It also had a steering wheel with a section cut out like a bomber yoke, which was handy for sliding over into the driver's seat. Don't think I've ever seen another one like that.
He offered to sell me the car for $575. Might was well have been $575,000. I was working all the hours I could and saving for my next year of college (which, at that time, cost $2200, tuition, room, and board).

What was the first T bucket you actually got a ride in?
I had seen several, but never got a ride in one until a friend of mine showed up with one after my freshman year in college in 1971. He was an inveterate car trader, always showing up with something new. I don't know where he got the T bucket. It was red, with a turtle deck and a Buick nailhead. It also had a steering wheel with a section cut out like a bomber yoke, which was handy for sliding over into the driver's seat. Don't think I've ever seen another one like that.
He offered to sell me the car for $575. Might was well have been $575,000. I was working all the hours I could and saving for my next year of college (which, at that time, cost $2200, tuition, room, and board).